Monday, November 1, 2010

Stephen Timms MP stabbed by Muslim Constituent because he voted for Iraq War

Roshornara Choudhary stabbed Stephen Timms MP in revenge for his voting in favour of the Iraq War.

What disgusts me about the likes of Choudhary who typically does not recognise the court but like a number of Muslim hypocrites all to readily accepts a state handout in this instance legal aid is that she probably did not lift a finger to democratically defeat Timms but has the cheek to get upset when he votes for a war which kills Muslims.

I despise Labour MP's like Timms whose political career and success is due to his constituency having one of the largest Muslim votes in the country yet through his every vote during the Bliar years he sided with the Neo Cons against the interests of Muslims. However my real contempt is for pathetic creatures like Choudhary who allow East Ham with a massive Muslim vote to send an MP like Timms to vote for Iraq and Afghanistan.

East Ham Muslims should be ashamed particularly when through their ignorance they don't realise that Timms when he does decide to stand down is already lining up the constituency to have a Hindu MP Umesh Dessai who is constantly scheming with the Newham Scottish While male entrists to Stitch up Muslims yet again.

Timms who has my sympathy for the outrageous stabbing also has my contempt for simply playing to the gallery and attempting to keep his head above water by cunningly pretending to support issues like Kashmir for his Pakistani vote bank yet supports all B£iar's war's against Muslims.

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