Sunday, November 21, 2010

BBC Panorama Investigate Muslim schools

The papers this morning in the UK are currently engaged in a orgy of stories about Muslim weekend schools apparently teaching Muslim youngsters amongst other things how to chop off a persons hand.

The allegations center around an investigation by the BBC's Anti Islam correspondent Jon Ware who in tonight's Panorama show at 8.30 pm will seek to outline depending on which paper you read that these schools teach kids how to chop off thieves hands, a bit of Homophobia , Jews taking over the world, and anything not caught by the above then just general all round hate for youngsters.

LM has not seen the programme so clearly its rather premature to comment in detail about the allegations which have been so painstakingly leaked to the press however, I am to say the least very sceptical about anything from John Ware. John Ware is a bit of a comedian with considerable form who is part of the growing industry if not army within the BBC that specialise in Anti Muslim programmes and all on the back of Muslim license fee money.

However, notwithstanding the above as my regular readers know I oppose all faith schools including Muslim ones so taking into account the Catholic sex abuse stories I do hope people of reason begin to understand that all faiths schools are wrong and divisive not just the Muslim ones Panorama highlights.

Monday evening should be interesting viewing because if you wanted a starter then C4 have a disturbing programme about Pakistani Muslim suicide bombing at 8pm.

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