Monday, November 15, 2010

Why so silent about the English fishing for pain?

Ever noticed how the English like to make out they love animals and it is only "barbaric" Muslims or Jews who carry out "inhumane slaughter" without stunning or the Japs who continue to Whale that show cruelty to animals.

You do have to admire the hypocrisy of until recently the Fox Hunting English who show rage towards Mary Bale for putting a cat in a bin and anger towards Halal slaughter but remain silent with some notable exceptions about their biggest sporting pastime Angling.

Lets be clear, their is irrefutable evidence that Fish feel pain yet, notwithstanding Catch and Release, the English who get on their high horse about Halal, manage to continue the charade that fish "don't have the brains to recognise pain" despite the fact that they have pain receptors like Humans.

I wonder if the animal lobby along with their new found mates in the EDL will join London Muslim in a campaign to ban the barbaric "sport" of Angling in order to highlight how their selective campaigns are not based on race, or prejudice but actually a genuine concern for the welfare of all animals which the Con Dem Govt through its latest policy has shown is a bit of a farce.

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