Friday, November 19, 2010

The EDL are not creating "Islamic Extremism"

The Keystone Cops up in Brum aka the West Midlands Counter Terrorism Unit (WMCT) have claimed that the EDL "feed Islamic Extremism".

Notwithstanding the fact that the EDL are simply referred to as right wing and Muslims as extremists in Jamie Mackie's report the claim is as usual nonsense from a Unit who appeared to have their grubby paws over the preposterous attempt to spy on all Muslims in Birmingham.

What seems to be upsetting the WMCT who currently seem to be engaged in a major charm offensive is far from extremism being the issue amongst Muslims, for the first time with the creation of organisations like the Muslim Defence League, Muslim youth are getting their act together and uniting with others including the UAF to defend our community from the Nazi EDL. Moreover, given the success of Muslim unity and our ability to dismiss the EDL threat the concern appears more to do with Muslim unity and strength on the street which is a model the Establishment fear and as a result put out out spoilers about so called Muslim extremism. I cant think of a better way to get Muslims out of prison than news that the EDL are marching and they are needed to defend their communities.

My message to the Brum boys in blue is what creates a fertile ground for extremism is when you spy on innocent Muslims by the use of your CCTV spy cameras which indicates how you really view all Muslims.

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