Thursday, November 18, 2010

Do Muslims in Canada want to build a "parallel society"

I'm always slightly amused if a report published about Muslims is called an "intelligence report" when in reality the one thing it lacks is intelligence in every form of that word, eg sexed up dodgy documents.

In Canada a report published by - wait for it the "Integrated Threat Assessment Center" claims Muslims want to build a "parallel society". The report could frankly have been written by a kinder garden pupil or Quilliam because it  regurgitates standard Neo Con words like "hard-line Islamic groups", "violence", "self imposed isolation", "extremism", "Islamist" etc, in other words the usual narrative and a cobbled together conclusion that contains no evidence.

Canada's establishment has sadly embarked on a journey to vilify Muslims taking their lead from the Israelite PM Stephen Harper which is not helped by Canadian Muslims being politically the most incompetent in the West. I despair at the political ignorance of Canada's Muslims who struggle to distinguish between a politician and a snowman let alone understand the significance of secret reports that seek to make Muslims the Enemy of the State.

My advice to Canada's spooks is when it comes to Muslims creating a "parallel society" or living in "self imposed Isolation", take a trip to Northern England and the Jewel in the Crown of British Muslim society Bradistan, a ghetto where Pakistani Muslims dump themselves and marry their first Cousin's. The only threat I can think of is to pedestrians trying to avoid Muslim female driving Instructors who teach with their Niqab's on or bearded wonders tripping over their beards not to mention overcrowded houses with Bradford Muslims producing like rabbits.

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