Friday, November 12, 2010

Omar Bakri gets life

A Lebanese court has sentenced leading fanatic and fruitcake Omar Bakri to life for destabilising the Lebanese Government.

Bakri like all the other Munafiqeen (hypocrites) including Abu Hamza aka Captain Hook are complete fraudsters and we the silent Muslim majority should be ashamed of ourselves for allowing such muppets to prosper in our midst.

How revealing that Bakri who lectured us all about the need for Jihad showed his true cowardly colours in Lebanon when the Israeli's invaded, rather than fighting to defend Muslim soil he attempted to sneak out on a Royal Navy boat with civilians evacuating the country.

How does a coward who raises an exotic dancing daughter and lived off state handouts from what he calls "the land of the Kuffar" manage to get away with a position of authority amongst Muslims. Bakri is not a failure by the establishment but in my opinion he was allowed by the Establishment to preach hate because he fulfilled the exact criteria they required of a ranting Muslim nutter portraying Islam in an extreme manner rather than extolling the beauty of our faith. However, ultimately and frankly the bigger failure is amongst we Muslims for astonishingly tolerating such a crackpot who while a legend in his bedroom by continuing to father kids he struggles to maintain (6 at the last count and two marriages) was never a scholar but a charlatan.

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