Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Corrupt Saudi King wants America to bomb Iran

The Wilkileaks saga is proving to be rather uncomfortable for the Kings of Bling in the Middle East as it reveals what two faced crooks and cowards we all know them to be.

I doubt anyone is really surprised that the tyrant and pervert Abdul in Saudi who hilariously calls himself the custodian of the two holy mosques has secretly been urging the Americans to bomb Iran. What I do find revealing however is the corrupt tyrants of the Middle East seem to agree with Israel's policy towards Iran and would happily do all they can to see a fellow Muslim nation attacked. The fact that Saudis do this in secret is indicative of why they are cowards.

The House of Sinners fear Iran because Iran is their biggest nightmare in terms of what will happen to their own family dynasties. Sadly Abdul has managed to get up from his deathbed in America however, I give him and his family no more than 10 years before we see the death of his Saudi regime when true Saudi Muslims liberate their country from this debauched family.

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