Tuesday, November 9, 2010

OFCOM attacks Islam Channel

Once again Islam Channel finds itself guilty of breaching the OFCOM code.

My concern is why Islam Channel allows itself to be compromised and is so vulnerable on its compliance process that they flagrantly breach the rules of  broadcasting regulators once again.

I understand the point some may make about OFCOM getting upset by any Muslim simply quoting from the Quran, a backdoor attempt to regulate our faith which is not done for other faiths eg evangelical Christian nutters.

However, Muslims are held to a different level of accountability than others. OFCOM will not touch Murdoch's Fox News that is a given not just because of his power but in part because the braodcrats at OFCOM share a similar world view. Have a look at the outrageous bias at Sky with Adam Boulton and not a peep from OFCOM so lets not be naive and expect a level playing field. The Islam Channel is watched like hawks by those who wish it harm and seem to be celebrating. As a result, this places an additional responsibility on the likes of Mohamed Ali the CEO and Salahuddin the MD to ensure Carl Arrindel the Head of Current Affairs and Strategy which includes compliance gets his act together.

I have already made clear my view about those Muslims who claim there is no such thing as "marital rape". However, this is an issue of compliance and previously the Channel got into hot water when Bungo and his mate from Respect AbdulRahman Jaffar were found to be biased in their Politics Show as Jaffar was presenting while standing for elections, all really basic stuff. The Politics Show is now presented by John Rees a fantastic organiser who has done outstanding work at Stop The War but with a SWP/Respect background he is not exactly mainstream. Watching The Politics Show and Azad Ali's Ummah Talk with respect to both is like watching paint dry.

I cringe when I listen to some of the "scholars" because it is so obvious from the questions being asked that they and Islam Channel are being set up to provide an answer which is immediately used to build a case at OFCOM. Does anyone honestly believe that the Muppet's at Quilliam had all the time in the world to sit, wait and just by chance pick up a quote on marital rape.

Islam Channel needs to up its game urgently, not wallow in a victim mentality that they are under attack which is obvious but adopt a strategy to counter their enemies.

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