Wednesday, November 24, 2010

British Jewish leader attacks Israel

Mick Davis a senior Jewish leader has in a welcome development expressed moral repugnance over Israel's policies and conduct.

LM believes this to be welcome because while Muslims have correctly been criticised for not aggressively and consistently denouncing the munafaqeen (hypocrites) within our midst I fear the same accusation can and should be levelled at Jews who refuse to also take a stance on Israels occupation and theft of Palestinian land.
Israel is a pariah state it is engaged in occupation and oppression which requires the Jewish diaspora to take a moral stand and denounce Israel just like we expected Germans to take a stand and denounce its Nazi regime.

My concern about Jewish silence is that if you vacate a debate or issue, ultimately you run the risk of allowing the political equivalent of squatters to move in. My regular readers will know that this blog has no hesitation in criticising the actions of fellow Muslims however, in the best traditions of being an equal opportunity slagger offer where appropriate, I also do not hesitate to highlight the actions of Jews, other faiths or secularists both good and bad.

What I hope the comments of Mick Davis do is start a more critical analysis of Israel's conduct by Jews and a refreshing self awareness rather than a self introspection where burying ones head in head in the sand is completely counterproductive.

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