Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Obama set to engage the Muslim World at Indonesia's Istiqlal Mosque

President Obama  arrives in Jakarta Indonesia on the latest stage of his Asia Tour to give what is expected to be another landmark speech to Muslims in one of the biggest Mosques in the World, The Istiqlal.

Watching Michelle Obama dancing in Mumbai I could not help feel she was also dancing on the graves of Kashmiri Muslims brutally murdered by Indian occupation forces.

I understand the hostile political environment Obama works in domestically with a growing Tea Party whose hatred of Muslims and Islam is growing and yes he supported Park 51 in New York and opposed vigorously the Koran burning however, sadly Cairo is now a distant memory.

Ultimately, if he seeks some cost benefits from his outreach to Muslims then we need to see some genuine international evidence that he gets it. Two fundamental red lines for Muslims across the world are the need to stop killing Muslims in Afghanistan and to pressure the Israeli gangsters to stop oppressing Palestinians and occupying their lands. Clearly, I also understand the power and influence of the Israeli lobby however, you cannot politically have your cake and eat it, engage us honestly and we will reengage with you albeit cautiously given your previous failures after Cairo.

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