Saturday, November 6, 2010

British Muslim men guilty of sexually abusing white girls

A group of evil British born Pakistani Muslim sexual predators have been jailed for a sickening catalogue of abuse towards young girls in Rotherham one of whom was only 12.

I've visited northern areas of Britain with large British born Pakistani Muslim populations and have to say these scum are products of a Northern British born Pakistani Muslim male culture that is high on Alcohol, drugs, prostitution and all manner of other criminality which partly explains the rise of the BNP and EDL.

Where is the outrage in Britain's Pakistani Muslim community who increasingly seem to be living in complete denial about how their young men are going off the rails and overpopulating our prisons. I'm not interested in sociological crap about the causes of crime because this criminal behaviour while also prevalent in other communities is indicative of a culture and attitude that some British Pakistani men take to women which ultimately in worst case scenarios ends up in such terrible and vile crimes against young girls.

I'm convinced that more people knew what these characters were up to and I'm also sure that on Friday's they regularly would turn up to their local Pakistani run Mosque and pray before going out on a spree of criminality. Why were there no alarm bells in their families, amongst their friends or in the community and when will the decent British born Pakistani Muslims stand up and say enough is enough.

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