Friday, November 5, 2010

Muslim students challenge new Tuition fee interest charges

FOSIS and other Muslim student groups have kicked off about the changes to Tuition fees because of the possibility they breach Islam's strict prohibition on interest.

Frankly LM has no sympathy whatsoever. Where have the ISOCS been over the years for the Muslim ummah organising or campaigning politically over causes like Palestine? The most useless Muslims are our students who sit on their arses or in the Student Union bar doing sod all claiming they don't do politics.

How interesting that a political decision which has caught FOSIS with it's pants down because they did nothing to politically campaign against it has come back to bite them. While I have seen campuses occupied by NUS students and Aaron Porter on the box regularly complete silence from ISOC's so serve you right you deserve everything this democratically elected government throws at you because of your incompetence and neglect.

Moreover, an indication of how supine and irrelevant Muslim students are politically is to watch the Govt reaction which implicitly will also be who cares, its not as if Muslim students despite their numbers have the ability to politically organise a campaign against politicians or letter write to their MP.

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