Friday, November 5, 2010

The Muslim Police Sergeant in Preston who headed a ruthless crime family

Sadly this is not an April fools story but outrageously a Muslim Police Sergeant in Preston Salim Razzak who led a double life as the boss of a drug family has been sentenced to jail for amongst things perverting the course of justice.

While Salim Razzak was being promoted to Sergeant his bearded brother Hafiz known as "the enforcer" was rising in the ranks however he was actually assuming control of The Deepdale Drugs Gang before being sent down for a vicious and brutal kidnapping of a rival drug member also a Muslim. When his brother was sent to jail, Sgt Razzak assumed control of the gang and as a good Muslim managed to ensure it was a family business by including his Mum who also has been done for Perversion.

What a family of hypocrites and how reassuring to see Hafiz with the requisite beard an outward indication of piety and being an observant Muslim but in reality a complete charade while he and his brother helped blight so many families life's in their community through the distribution and selling of drugs.

Lets see how hard and tough the Muslim Deepdale and Fishwick Gangs really are when the EDL pay Preston a visit on Saturday 27 November to storm the Preston Mosque with what appears the help of the Police.

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