Thursday, November 4, 2010

How to sell British operations in Afghanistan

London Muslim is astonished that the evidence given by a host of MOD spin merchants to the Defence Select Committee has not been picked up by our mainstream media for a tissue of lies the MOD implicitly admitted it is engaged in via an undeclared information war with the Taliban.

The subject of the session chaired by leading Tory Israelite James Aburthnot titled "Operations in Afghanistan" on 26 October had a number of witnesses whose sole task appeared to be the management of News Media in a coordinated and strategic manner across Whitehall. No wonder soldiers continue to die without adequate equipment when all the establishment are keen on doing is trying to convince us that the mission is just despite reasonable objective analysis admitting it is doomed to failure like all previous occupations of Afghanistan.

One spin merchant goes by the title "Strategic Communication Officer" and is ironically called Major General Messenger outlined how no stone would be left unturned in trying to spin an Afghanistan success out of what clearly is a failure. The gap that Messenger along with Nick Gurr the Director of Media at the MOD appear keen to close is widespread British support for our troops combined with widespread lack of support for the mission and operations in Afghanistan.

The two fundamental themes in spinning the lie about success is firstly to internationalise the conflict thus press releases and American/British Ministers will always talk about the 47 countries involved in the conflict when in reality over 80% of the occupying troops are American and British.

Secondly rather than emphasising the bad news in other words the truth like corruption, loss of innocent Muslim lives or situation in Helmand the objective is to try and invent positive news then spin it. The focus is to create a single news narrative about a story of success through aggressively targeting a variety of sympathetic channels like blogs, think tanks, authors and journalists engaged in documentaries or embedded with the troops.

Ultimately what the establishment are engaged in is a massive covert news management operation to paint a picture that bears no reality to the truth and all the while innocent Muslim civilians and British soldiers die while the likes of BAE prosper which is why I will never wear a poppy.

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