Thursday, November 4, 2010

Are British Muslims being marginalised?

Shabana Syed writes an interesting if rather one dimensional article about what she calls the marginalisation of British Muslims by a combination of right wing think thanks, Muslim Uncle Tom's and parasites like Andrew Giligan.

Sadly the article which states the obvious that Muslims are being marginalised is bereft of any analysis about Muslim responsibility for our current predicament or solutions to overcome our paralysis.

The best approach for those who have a problem is to first acknowledge it exists then seek to work out how to overcome the situation while finally implementing one's solution.

With regard to acknowledging the problem sadly our current amnesia and over reliance on a victim mentality enables us as Muslims to avoid any personal responsibility. What about Muslim responsibility for our political and economic weakness, what about Muslim responsibility for our internal divisions. Take a look around the world and you will find Muslims killing more Muslims than anyone else which is always conveniently glossed over. Muslim countries are ruled by tyrants, crooks and dictators who yes are propped up by the West but through Muslim acquiescence.

Muslim women should be at the vanguard of our Renaissance, Khadijah the wife of the Prophet Mohammed (saw) was a businesswomen, Muslim women throughout the history of Islam participated in battles to defend the deen and yet through current cultural backwardness we find with notable exceptions some of our Sisters downtrodden by ignorant Muslim brothers.

Closer to home the UK has a history of racism from Catholics, Jews, Blacks and now Muslims which eventually as Tony Benn says will turn towards the Chinese. What have others done to overcome the racism they have adapted and taken the fight to the enemy. British Muslims are our own worst enemies and unless we adapt which does not mean the Quiliam or Sufi Muslim Council sell out approach but a deeper understanding about the beauty of our faith and an acceptance of being British which are not incompatible.

Muslim failures are down to our own inadequacies as a community which has quantity in terms of a rapidly rising demographic but sadly and honestly relatively little quality. Where are the Muslim scientists, writers, professors or Noble Peace Prize winners, the only Muslims I see are parking attendants, roadsweepers and bog cleaners and those are the ones who are not in Prison which is overpopulated with Muslims.

Oh Allah (swt) please wake up the Muslim Ummah and allow us to defend ourselves from our enemies and prosper ameen.

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