Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Gifted Muslim student found guilty of attempting to murder Stephen Timms MP

Roshornora Choudary has been found guilty by an Old Bailey Jury of attempting to murder Stephen Timms MP.

LM made clear my views about this outrageous attack on an MP who voted for all B£iars wars. There is absolutely no excuse for violence or trying to kill an MP when what Muslims should be doing is using a more potent weapon the cross on a ballot paper to rid us of MP's from any party who vote against Muslim interests.

I also disagree with Michael White's implicit attack on Muslims that "some people" would have muttered "serves him right" when they heard of the stabbing. In addition, I think White gets it completely wrong when trying to gloss over New Labour's atrocious foreign wars, he claims whatever drove her to attempt murder existed long before Afghanistan or Iraq. This girl, before she dropped out, was a gifted English student at Kings expecting a Geoff Hurst who in her own words said this was about "revenge" for Iraq. While disagreeing with her approach I'm inclined to take her word rather than that of a New Labour Spin merchant that Iraq was the reason for the knife attack.

Sadly rather than trying to kill a politician, Choudary should have been organising her community in East Ham to democratically oust Stephen Timms not take a knife to him. In my opinion anger at politicians should be channeled into the only appropriate mechanism that exists to remove them which is democracy and elections.

We Muslims should take a leaf out the Tea Party approach in America. Muslim anger at the injustice of Iraq and Afghanistan to name but two wars is matched by Tea Party anger at Obama's fiscal stimulus and Health Care. Watch tonight's results from across the pond to see how Tea Party anger and activism may swing both the House and Senate towards the Republicans without a knife in sight. The Tea Party approach is a fantastic electoral model to adopt however, are we Muslims really capable of similar angry electoral activism?

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