Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Should US Muslims be American first?

Mansoor Ijaz a shadowy American businessman of Pakistani decent has argued that US Muslims should be American first by proudly stating " I am American first, then a Muslim".

I think this rather outdated argument says a lot about Ijaz a man who has sadly put his undoubted brilliance (former MIT and a degree in Nuclear Physics) to misguided purposes. The parochial argument about loyalty to any flag entrenches a peculiar notion that patriotism or singing about the stars and stripes will inculcate a sense of belonging and thus avoid any predilection towards radicalism. This view is not uncommon amongst in particular a large section of American Muslims particularly Pakistanis who seem to think they need to wear their patriotism on their sleeve in order to feel a sense of belonging as well prove to other Americans their loyalty.

Ijaz as I say is very shadowy and mixes in peculiar Neo Con circles which is why he is presumably a star and darling of America's right wing Fox News particularly when they need a brown man to speak the white male Establishment line.

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