Thursday, August 26, 2010

Canada's Imam's issue a declaration of principles for Muslims

A group of Canadian Imams have got together and issued a bizarre set of principles on how Muslims should conduct themselves in an orderly fashion.

I refer to the declaration as bizarre because included are such pearls of wisdom "we believe and strongly encourage Muslims to seriously engage in civic life and contribute to their communities as much as they can". Ahh how sweet although not exactly the US Declaration of Independence and apparently this was the culmination of years of work.

LM does wonder about some of our elders, do they honestly think a Muslim youngster on the streets of Toronto will pick up the declaration and think jee wiz I must follow this. Imagine the MCB here in the UK doing something similar, frankly and with all due respect to the MCB it would be completely ignored.

For those Imams who need some free practical advice, Muslims lead their lives according to the Quran and Sunnah as well as the laws of the land they reside in without the need for additional pompous "declarations of principles". With tension rising in Canada following the arrest of "suspected terrorists" I would advise the Imams to stick to the basics rather than getting precious.

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