Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Quiliam or is it the McCarthyite Foundation

The fruitcakes at Quiliam have smelt the coffee and realised their millions of taxpayers money for foreign jaunts and plush offices is about to removed.

In a desperate bid to convince the new Con Dem administration of their worth Mohammed Hussain and Majid Nawaz the Laural and Hardy of the Muslim community who claim to be recovering extremists have decided to up the ante by pointing the finger at virtually the entire Muslim community through a list of Muslims who they claim are "Islamists" and handing it to a white man in a suit with lots of taxpayers money to distribute.

The immediate reaction seems positive from their point of view with Tory's briefing that this is what they like to see. Naturally what white men in suits want to see is brown men behaving like good little brownies. After all, how did 500 white men rule 500 million Indians, largely as a result of brown sahibs dreaming of being ennobled as Lord Bud Bud Ding Ding of Curry and Rice.

While not in the same league as Franco's list of Jews being handed to the Nazis or Schindlers list what the list does prove is how two charlatans will stoop to any lengths to shit on fellow Muslims in order to accept the corrupt shilling from the taxpayer.

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