Tuesday, August 31, 2010

American Muslim leaders seek to unite Community

Following the Ground Zero mosque controversy American Muslims leaders are belatedly increasing their efforts to unite the community and push for greater political engagement.

While the effort is to be welcomed LM cannot hide my disappointment that it has taken such a controversy for American Muslims to realise without an active and aggressive political strategy Muslims will always be on the back foot. However, the importance of politics is but one piece in a more intricate jigsaw puzzle. The role of an online strategy as some of the videos I have been posting here and here indicate is also equally crucial in conveying a point of view that avoids the hostile Murdoch Media along with a greater role for Inter Faith dialogue. While a section of American Jews like the vicious Pamela Gellar, Rabbis and Abraham Foxman have played their part in attacking Muslims this is not the view of all American Jews. Finally, America unlike most of Europe has a major advantage by having Muslim role models in Sport like Muhammad Ali and rap like Buster Rhymes who should be used to provide credibility on the Muslim street to these laudable efforts in uniting the community.

I do hope the lesson of the American Muslim experience is taken up here in the UK. Ground Zero has shown that the most eloquent defenders of American Muslims have largely been non Muslims like Glen Greenwald. We as a UK Muslim community need to proactively up our efforts for unity and greater political engagement along with Inter Faith dialogue to avoid a similar American predicament.

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