Thursday, August 19, 2010

1 in 5 Americans believe Obama is Muslim

Americans bless them are not exactly renowned for their awareness of international matters however, you would think they had a bit more nouce when it comes to acknowledging the faith of their President.

Apparently according to a poll by the Pew Research Center 20% of Americans believe their President is a Muslim which is extraordinary as he is Christian. The main reason given is the Murdoch driven Fox News approach to reporting about the President through attack dogs like Beck and O'Reilly who dislike him simply because amongst things he was born in Indonesia and his middle name is Hussain along with Evangelical opponents in the Birther movement using the above picture.

More generally the Ground Zero controversy probably hasn't helped this erroneous perception when Obama courageously came out in support of the Mosque prompting Time Magazine to ask does America have a Muslim problem. An interesting debate is now ensuing on how much the bigots who oppose the Mosque are actually hindering the Republican base amongst both Muslims and Hispanics regarding immigration. Newt Gingrich that serial philanderer whose mistresses grow ever more numerous and is naturally an evangelical Christian even compares the Ground Zero Mosque issue to Pearl Harbour.

LM hopes decent Americans begin to reject the Neo Cons and racists whose ultimate objective is to perpetuate Muslims as the common enemy and once ingrained in the mindset that Muslims are bogeymen it enables the Chicken Generals politically and in the Media to send poor young and largely decent American soldiers to die in Muslim lands fighting the "war on terror" while benefiting America's military industrial complex.

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