Monday, August 9, 2010

Muslims like Scottish people more than the English

Given the current discourse in England towards Muslims and Islam I'm not surprised that its fairly easy to find a country we like more - in this instance Scotland according to research.

However, apparently according to the research one barrier to greater integration of Muslims within Scottish society is the love of alcohol north of the border and our reluctance to pop out for a session with the Tartan Army.

I'm a little sceptical about the Alcohol argument being a barrier as I've often found the most amusing friendly and genuinely warmest welcome you can get is from the Irish some of whom drink like a fish.

More generally I'm interested to know what Muslims think of non Muslims. We are often bombarded with what others think of us, I wonder who around the world we like the best? For me it would have to be a close call between the Irish and Canadians.

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