Saturday, August 7, 2010

Rabbi from Wiesenthal Center opposes Ground Zero Mosque while opening "Museum of Tolerance"

One of the interesting facts to emerge from a rather depressing and racist debate about the merits of the Ground Zero Mosque has been how divided American Jewish opinion is on this issue.

While there has been outstanding Jewish support for the Mosque from amongst others the Jewish Mayor of New York Michael Bloomberg there has also sadly been vehement and racist opposition from bigots like Abraham Foxman, head of the Anti Defamation League, resulting in CNN's Fareed Zakaria returning an ADL award.

However, what takes the biscuit surely has to be the hypocrisy of Rabbi Meyer, Director of The Simon Wiesenthal Centre who when supporting the opening of - wait for it "The Museum of Tolerance" in New York opposed a Ground Zero Mosque calling it "insensitive".

As the outstanding Jewish political organisation J-Street state "Tolerance means giving these moderate Muslim groups the same treatment as any other religious group" a lesson our own little insect the Jewish Sheep Shagger will do well to heed as he continues his vicious witch hunt by gleefully highlighting Muslims as pimps and appropriately linking to BNP blogs. Perhaps when the Macabi boy tires in his pathetic BBC conspiracy theories and shows some consistency by criticising the BBC for failing to mention mass murder Harold Shipman was Jewish will I begin to take this creature seriously as a principled opponent of BBC coverage rather than a hypocritical twat who selectively engages in outrage when Muslims are concerned but adopts a conspicuous silence when Jews are involved in controversy.

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