Friday, August 20, 2010

Rev Franklin Graham says Obama was "born a Muslim"

The Rev Franklin Graham son of Billy has said that President Obama "was born a Muslim"

According to this Muppet like his Dad who spent a lifetime supporting all America's foreign wars and trying through their missionary nonsense to ram Christianity down everyone's throat, Obama's "problem" was that his "father was a Muslim".

Obama is not a Muslim however, if he was so what, why is being a Christian anymore noble than being a Muslim. Sadly the Evangelicals in America who long for the Armageddon have so corrupted their own scriptures that they may as well take up snake charming given their lies, distotion and downright racism which was also evident during the civil rights struggle despite Dad Billy's opposition to segregation.

I would not trust a Graham further than I can throw one. Study the history books and you will find out what Dad Billy Graham really thought of the Jews who he described in chats with Nixon as "the synagogue Satan" along with the conspiracy crap about Jews controlling the US Media. What chance do Muslims in America have if this is what a "spiritual adviser" to twelve President's really thought. Like father like son in my opinion.

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