Friday, August 27, 2010

Are Muslim prisoners a terror timebomb?

News today is dominated by a report from the Royal Services Institute claiming up to 800 violent Muslim radicals are set to unleash a wave of terror when released from jail. In other words a white man in a suit working for a "think-tank" who is a "security expert" reckons there is a problem with Muslim lags.

I reckon we are all in the wrong game here, clearly working for a self serving think tank and calling yourself a security expert is what gets the headlines. Why is Michael Clarke an expert on Muslims anymore than I am expert on Gardening. The RUSI whose President is a Freemason are run by Neo Cons including James Arbuthnot and with their links to the Spooks and military security industrial complex are simply scaremongering in an era of economic austerity prior to the spending review in order to maintain the budgets of their friends which will never be the story because independent journalism has given way to pursuing the interests of those who control the purse strings. I'm not surprised that 2012 which I've already called a security jamboree gets a mention, that should help the RUSI's friends in the Met maintain the "security budget". After all would Theresa May cut a police budget with this report published despite 2012 being held in Ramadhan when even the nuttiest of Muslim muppets would not consider causing an outrage.

The story in my opinion is more generally about all prisoners and the prospect of re offending from nail bombers who dislike gays and Nazis who dislike Muslims through to Muslim fruitcakes who believe the way to overcome injustice is through injustice.

Think tanks are frankly glorified self serving wonks who scare the jeepers out of mainstream society then coincidentally establish large research revenue streams to work on solutions (the new world order) to artificial problems they have intentionally created. One would think there would be more critical analysis rather than a passive acceptance of yet another sexed up document but then perhaps I expect too much in this climate when Muslims sadly are currently fair game and who better to pick on than Muslim prisoners.

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