Tuesday, August 31, 2010

American Muslim leaders seek to unite Community

Following the Ground Zero mosque controversy American Muslims leaders are belatedly increasing their efforts to unite the community and push for greater political engagement.

While the effort is to be welcomed LM cannot hide my disappointment that it has taken such a controversy for American Muslims to realise without an active and aggressive political strategy Muslims will always be on the back foot. However, the importance of politics is but one piece in a more intricate jigsaw puzzle. The role of an online strategy as some of the videos I have been posting here and here indicate is also equally crucial in conveying a point of view that avoids the hostile Murdoch Media along with a greater role for Inter Faith dialogue. While a section of American Jews like the vicious Pamela Gellar, Rabbis and Abraham Foxman have played their part in attacking Muslims this is not the view of all American Jews. Finally, America unlike most of Europe has a major advantage by having Muslim role models in Sport like Muhammad Ali and rap like Buster Rhymes who should be used to provide credibility on the Muslim street to these laudable efforts in uniting the community.

I do hope the lesson of the American Muslim experience is taken up here in the UK. Ground Zero has shown that the most eloquent defenders of American Muslims have largely been non Muslims like Glen Greenwald. We as a UK Muslim community need to proactively up our efforts for unity and greater political engagement along with Inter Faith dialogue to avoid a similar American predicament.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Congratulations to David Cameron on his new baby

I am a Muslim

My Faith My Voice

Colonel Gaddafi urges Europe to Revert to Islam while hosting a party for Models

There are some countries and politicians who seem to have a knack for putting there foot in it whatever they do.

Colonel Gaddafi is on his travels again to Italy which is always an interesting situation given Italy's colonial legacy in Libya and has urged Italian models along with Europe more generally to revert to Islam.

LM has no problem with any Muslim extolling the virtues of Islam and good dawah but my hunch is due to the colonial legacy and with the Vatican in close proximity, Gaddafi who is no idiot despite the western portrayal of him is actually intentionally being provocative with three women reverting. The Colonel has a colourful past and is no scholar so what really lies behind his desire to lock himself away in a room with 500 beautiful Italian models is anybody's guess although Berlusconi must certainly be wondering why he never thought of the idea.

Saudi Arabia bans Moroccan Women from Umrah

The House of Saud are at it again. Not content with banning us mere non Saudi Muslims from being buried in Mecca/Media they have now set their sights on Moroccan Women.

Nesrine Malik highlights how the corrupt Saudi Mafia many of whom indulge in the Saudi Sex Tourism trade have taken it upon themselves to ban Moroccan women of a certain age from the Umrah because of an implicit accusation that Moroccan women engage in prostitution. This from a county who engage in child marriagehammer nails into domestic maidskill their domestic slaves, whose embassies are involved in people trafficking etc etc.

Let's be clear this ban on our sisters from Morocco is about the inability of some Saudi men to keep their trousers on rather than the disgraceful slur not just on Moroccans but potentially any Muslim sister around the world. The Muslim world should be outraged.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Jordan's husband Alex Reid taking Islamic lessons

Alex Reid the Cage fighter and hubby to Jordan is taking Islamic lessons although the report does not indicate he is doing this with regard to reverting.

Apparently Reid has a particular interest in faith although somehow I'm struggling to picture him sitting down and discussing religion with his Mrs.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

EDL in Bradford, another "peaceful protest"

What is a Halal Meal?

Halal Holiday's

LM felt a bit lonely in what appeared a single handed desire to raise the profile of Halal travel.

That's why I am glad the issue is gathering more coverage in the mainstream press with this excellent article in the Guardian. I do hope Muslims here in the UK and internationally really take responsible ownership regarding how they spend their money and pursue a halal holiday.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Cruel Saudi Arabian employers hammer nails into Sri Lankan domestic maid

Muslims and Jews remain strong supporters of Obama

A Gallup poll has both good and bad news for President Obama when it comes to his latest opinion poll ratings.

With Obama taking a significant hit on the stimulus package and healthcare reforms the good news is amongst American Muslims and Jews his favourable ratings remain steadily high with 78% of Muslims and 61% of Jews approving of Obama's job performance.

However, the bad news is Muslims and Jews make up just 2% each of America's total population.

Canada's Muslims please wake up

London Muslim posted an article some time ago about the Israelite nature of Canada's PM Stephen Harper and how he proudly extolls the virtues of his beloved Israeli state.

The purpose of the article was to plead with Canada's Muslims to please wake from your political sleepwalking and become active in Politics in order to democratically defeat politicians who intend you and your fellow Muslims harm.

With the latest news of a Canadian Muslim terror cell being arrested for planning an atrocity my plea seems to be falling on deaf ears. If the consequences of their intended actions weren't so serious one would have to laugh at the ignorance of these Canadian Muslim muppets. How can any Muslim believe that an injustice will defeat an injustice. LM has to say I have family in Toronto and their blissful ignorance of the need for political engagement is astonishing. I know it gets cold in Canada and Muslims don't seem best served by their Imams but surely you can do better.

First they came for the Mosques but I was not a Muslim

The growing hate towards Muslims as a result of the Ground Zero Mosque debate most recently typified by the attack on the New York Muslim cabbie has belatedly started a growing response against the hate mongers who promote the poison.

Michael Daly writes an excellent article on two leading right wing hate mongers in the US Newt Gingrich and Rush Limbaugh although I would also highlight Pamela Geller.

Angelina Jolie to direct Bosnia war Movie

Angelina Jolie was in Bosnia recently to discuss with officials the shooting of a new movie which from the script seems to be about a serb soldier falling in love with a Bosnian Muslim girl.

Although Jolie is set to direct the movie one would have thought her playing the role of the Bosnian Muslim girl would provide the tragic conflict where Bosnian Muslims suffered a holocaust at the hands of genocidal Christian Serb and Croat crusaders a greater profile.

Are Muslim prisoners a terror timebomb?

News today is dominated by a report from the Royal Services Institute claiming up to 800 violent Muslim radicals are set to unleash a wave of terror when released from jail. In other words a white man in a suit working for a "think-tank" who is a "security expert" reckons there is a problem with Muslim lags.

I reckon we are all in the wrong game here, clearly working for a self serving think tank and calling yourself a security expert is what gets the headlines. Why is Michael Clarke an expert on Muslims anymore than I am expert on Gardening. The RUSI whose President is a Freemason are run by Neo Cons including James Arbuthnot and with their links to the Spooks and military security industrial complex are simply scaremongering in an era of economic austerity prior to the spending review in order to maintain the budgets of their friends which will never be the story because independent journalism has given way to pursuing the interests of those who control the purse strings. I'm not surprised that 2012 which I've already called a security jamboree gets a mention, that should help the RUSI's friends in the Met maintain the "security budget". After all would Theresa May cut a police budget with this report published despite 2012 being held in Ramadhan when even the nuttiest of Muslim muppets would not consider causing an outrage.

The story in my opinion is more generally about all prisoners and the prospect of re offending from nail bombers who dislike gays and Nazis who dislike Muslims through to Muslim fruitcakes who believe the way to overcome injustice is through injustice.

Think tanks are frankly glorified self serving wonks who scare the jeepers out of mainstream society then coincidentally establish large research revenue streams to work on solutions (the new world order) to artificial problems they have intentionally created. One would think there would be more critical analysis rather than a passive acceptance of yet another sexed up document but then perhaps I expect too much in this climate when Muslims sadly are currently fair game and who better to pick on than Muslim prisoners.

Bloomberg Meets Muslim Cabbie stab victim

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Should Muslims become Vegetarian?

Joseph Mayton writes a thought provoking article in the Guardian about the concept of vegetarianism within Islam and why Muslims eat so much meat. He cites as his authority Sheikh Hamza Yusuf someone I have a lot of admiration for along with verses from the Quran.

I have to say I'm not convinced with the argument that eating less meat is more Islamic. While there are health benefits for those with high cholesterol avoiding red meat Islam does not advocate vegetarianism not that I have any problem with a Muslim avoiding meat for compassionate grounds. My initial suspicion is the animal lobby seem to now be equating Muslims as a problem in terms of our meat consumption and appear to be attempting to establish an Islamic argument - where none exists for the advocacy of Vegetarianism.

Canada's Imam's issue a declaration of principles for Muslims

A group of Canadian Imams have got together and issued a bizarre set of principles on how Muslims should conduct themselves in an orderly fashion.

I refer to the declaration as bizarre because included are such pearls of wisdom "we believe and strongly encourage Muslims to seriously engage in civic life and contribute to their communities as much as they can". Ahh how sweet although not exactly the US Declaration of Independence and apparently this was the culmination of years of work.

LM does wonder about some of our elders, do they honestly think a Muslim youngster on the streets of Toronto will pick up the declaration and think jee wiz I must follow this. Imagine the MCB here in the UK doing something similar, frankly and with all due respect to the MCB it would be completely ignored.

For those Imams who need some free practical advice, Muslims lead their lives according to the Quran and Sunnah as well as the laws of the land they reside in without the need for additional pompous "declarations of principles". With tension rising in Canada following the arrest of "suspected terrorists" I would advise the Imams to stick to the basics rather than getting precious.

Women cashiers in Saudi Supermarket

Saudi Arabia seems to have made a decision which passes for progress Saudi style by allowing women to be cashiers in supermarkets. The decision is so sensitive and "revolutionary" for men that they have decided to pilot the policy first which already appears to have generated opposition.

I liked the subtle comment by Panda Hypermarket's press spokesmen, "the women, compared to men are really hard workers".

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Ron Paul on Ground Zero Mosque

Bloomberg on the need for Ground Zero Mosque debate to be civil

Should US Muslims be American first?

Mansoor Ijaz a shadowy American businessman of Pakistani decent has argued that US Muslims should be American first by proudly stating " I am American first, then a Muslim".

I think this rather outdated argument says a lot about Ijaz a man who has sadly put his undoubted brilliance (former MIT and a degree in Nuclear Physics) to misguided purposes. The parochial argument about loyalty to any flag entrenches a peculiar notion that patriotism or singing about the stars and stripes will inculcate a sense of belonging and thus avoid any predilection towards radicalism. This view is not uncommon amongst in particular a large section of American Muslims particularly Pakistanis who seem to think they need to wear their patriotism on their sleeve in order to feel a sense of belonging as well prove to other Americans their loyalty.

Ijaz as I say is very shadowy and mixes in peculiar Neo Con circles which is why he is presumably a star and darling of America's right wing Fox News particularly when they need a brown man to speak the white male Establishment line.

Are the people of Bahrain set to overthrow their Royal tyrants?

Bahrain's royal family has a long history of being tyrannical towards their Shia minority just like the other corrupt royal family over the border in Saudi Arabia.

The Shia sadly have been downtrodden by the Sunni royal family for years despite being a majority in their own country with many killed and according to Amnesty International also held as Prisoners of Conscience.

The latest troubles one hopes is the beginning of the end for the Khalifa's and perhaps like Iran a revolution that sweeps away an autocratic monarchy along with their friends in the American Fifth Fleet is imminent. Lets hope the Khalifa's are exiled to where they belong in the casino's of Europe which perhaps may also herald the start of a domino effect for all corrupt western installed monarchical puppets in the Gulf.


The Economist have an interesting article about the growing economic, political and military rivalry between China and India which last came to prominence when the Chinese gave the Indians a humiliating pasting in the 1960s War.

What the rather long and slightly esoteric article surprisingly failed to mention was the one area of commonality between these two Himalayan rivals (40% of the world's population) is both have a shocking record of human rights abuses when it comes to the treatment of Muslim minorities. China's mass murder of Muslims in Xinjiang along with India's similar treatment of Muslims in Kashmir I believe sadly binds Chindia more than the attempt of the Economist to divide them like another British legacy - the McMahon line.

Malaysian Muslim Civil Servants evicted for "immoral acts"

Muslim Civil Servants in Malaysia caught in "Khalwat" close proximity between unmarried couples have been evicted from their free government housing by a Malaysian Sharia Court.

Apparently Malaysia's Civil Servants have engaged in numerous immoral activities leading to the Government crackdown although I have to say they do get a decent perk in terms of free housing something the public sector in the UK would long for.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Halal Travel

As my regular readers will know LM has a particular interest in promoting Halal travel amongst Muslims and also to ensure that when we do go on a holiday or business trip the opportunity to do so in a Halal way is available.

One man who should be described as the pioneer of halal travel is Fazal Baharden describes here his motivation for establishing cresentrating which rates hotels according to their halal compliance an issue I have previously highlighted here and here.

London Muslim believes that as in the case of the Muslim futurist, Halal travel will prove to be the future for increasingly discerning Muslim holidaymakers and businessmen. However, one risk may prove to be more operators entering the market thus potentially reducing the opportunity for one global halal travel standard. LM urges all operators entering the Halal travel accreditation market to ensure they work jointly in partnership in order to establish one standard that is internationally recognised by the Muslim Ummah rather than a plethora of different and potentially confusing quality marks.

The Nazi EDL

Liam Fox wants "Medal of Honour" game banned

America land of the brave with rights of Life, Liberty and Happiness unless you are black or Muslim

Cousin Marriages

I've just watched the excellent Channel 4 programme on first cousin marriages amongst British Pakistani's and frankly I'm gobsmacked at the ignorance of a community who allow this practice to continue in the light of scientific evidence which clearly shows the heightened risk of genetic defects amongst the kids.

It's Ramadhan so I will resist my usual direct and robust language when referring to British Pakistanis who marry their first cousin despite the scientific facts proving the harm they are causing to their offspring. However, LM has written about this before where I hope my views leave you in doubt about my position on this grotesque practice

Malaysia's Muhammad Ali Hashim says Muslims should engage in a business Jihad

With the western capitalist system on its knees partly as a result of the "greed is good" culture Muhammad Ali Hashim the CEO of Malaysia's Johor Corporation has made a timely plea for Muslim Firms to begin a "Business Jihad" based on the Islamic Principle of Corporate Waqf.

While I agree with the business jihad concept I'm cautious about the need for Muslim firms needing to be fully established into the current economic mainstream as distinct from establishing a credible Islamic economic system based on the Sharia like Islamic finance.

LM completely agrees that Muslim firms - many of whom are small family units need to diversify and expand like Japan however, I would like the current fragile and divisive western corporate system to move towards the Muslim futurist rather than Muslims over leveraging themselves on a false system based on credit, debt and inequality.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Sheikh Khalid Yasin on how you will be judged

Sheikh Khalid Yasin on how Christians have hidden the truth

Rev Franklin Graham says Obama was "born a Muslim"

The Rev Franklin Graham son of Billy has said that President Obama "was born a Muslim"

According to this Muppet like his Dad who spent a lifetime supporting all America's foreign wars and trying through their missionary nonsense to ram Christianity down everyone's throat, Obama's "problem" was that his "father was a Muslim".

Obama is not a Muslim however, if he was so what, why is being a Christian anymore noble than being a Muslim. Sadly the Evangelicals in America who long for the Armageddon have so corrupted their own scriptures that they may as well take up snake charming given their lies, distotion and downright racism which was also evident during the civil rights struggle despite Dad Billy's opposition to segregation.

I would not trust a Graham further than I can throw one. Study the history books and you will find out what Dad Billy Graham really thought of the Jews who he described in chats with Nixon as "the synagogue Satan" along with the conspiracy crap about Jews controlling the US Media. What chance do Muslims in America have if this is what a "spiritual adviser" to twelve President's really thought. Like father like son in my opinion.

Americans believe Obama is Muslim

Home Secretary bans EDL Bradford March

Theresa May the Home Secretary has decided to heed the police warnings of major violent disruption and banned the Nazis from the EDL marching in Bradford.

I would have liked the march to go ahead for a number of reasons. Firstly banning the EDL robs people of the opportunity to see the violent thugs for what they are a bunch of sad middle aged white male chavs who when they are not hurling racist abuse also enjoy marching, singing, drinking and generally being the sad muppets they are.

Secondly the EDL are actually helping the Muslim community by raising the importance of being organised and coordinated against violent Fascists.

Thirdly we in London specifically Harrow and East London have shown in partnership with comrades from the UAF that the various suicide missions the EDL undertake are exactly that a suicide mission. Lets be clear to all the Nazis reading this you cannot take us on and win as we have proved in London. Let us get on with our way of life in peace and Peace be with, go down the non peaceful route through violence, intimidation and racism then be in no doubt we will defend our community.

Indonesian train now has women only carriages

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Yasmin Qureshi, Britain's first female Muslim MP guilty of driving offences

Yasmin Qureshi the MP for Bolton has been found guilty of using a mobile phone while driving and to add insult to injury she was driving without car insurance.

I like Yaz and thinks she is going to be a fantastic MP for Bolton as she is no sell out on issues facing Muslims domestically within the UK and on Foreign Policy. However, come on Sister as an MP and a previous Human Rights barrister for good measure it goes without saying that ensuring you avoid fairly basic driving offences is an absolute minimum criteria for any MP who should be making laws rather than breaking them.

1 in 5 Americans believe Obama is Muslim

Americans bless them are not exactly renowned for their awareness of international matters however, you would think they had a bit more nouce when it comes to acknowledging the faith of their President.

Apparently according to a poll by the Pew Research Center 20% of Americans believe their President is a Muslim which is extraordinary as he is Christian. The main reason given is the Murdoch driven Fox News approach to reporting about the President through attack dogs like Beck and O'Reilly who dislike him simply because amongst things he was born in Indonesia and his middle name is Hussain along with Evangelical opponents in the Birther movement using the above picture.

More generally the Ground Zero controversy probably hasn't helped this erroneous perception when Obama courageously came out in support of the Mosque prompting Time Magazine to ask does America have a Muslim problem. An interesting debate is now ensuing on how much the bigots who oppose the Mosque are actually hindering the Republican base amongst both Muslims and Hispanics regarding immigration. Newt Gingrich that serial philanderer whose mistresses grow ever more numerous and is naturally an evangelical Christian even compares the Ground Zero Mosque issue to Pearl Harbour.

LM hopes decent Americans begin to reject the Neo Cons and racists whose ultimate objective is to perpetuate Muslims as the common enemy and once ingrained in the mindset that Muslims are bogeymen it enables the Chicken Generals politically and in the Media to send poor young and largely decent American soldiers to die in Muslim lands fighting the "war on terror" while benefiting America's military industrial complex.

Snoopers hotline stigmatises Muslims as Terrorists

A snoopers hotline which has officially been called an anti terror hotline has seen a huge increase in calls leading civil liberties campaigners to fear that innocent Muslims are being labelled as terrorists.

Similar phone lines to grass on suspected benefits cheats are indicative of the surveillance state New Lab created with hotlines and CCTV cameras doing everything bar spying on what Muslims are having for dinner.

We've had the spying nonsense in Birmingham and now this snoopers charter for sad curtain twitching people to harass innocent Muslims. I'd be keen to know what proportion of these calls are malicious and crank rather than a genuine attempt to combat a Terrorist atrocity.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Disney bans Muslim employee's Hijab

Heroric Kashmir Shoe thrower,"We want Freedom"

Will Westfield London stop discriminating against Muslims?

LM has written previously about the Westfield Shopping Center in West London and how it treats Muslims.

Today the Standard reports a huge sales increase at Westfield and credits "Tourists" as the reason for this success. The reality is that from my anecdotal experience Muslims from the Middle East are some of the major spenders which is ironic because Westfield London since its inception has always appeared to ignore the interests of Muslims while happily taking our money.

The usual suspects will kick off with the tired old ignorant argument about what's faith got to do with running a Shopping Mall. In that case why do Westfield globally and in London make a fuss over their Chanukah party which has become a regular feature.

I was in Westfield yesterday and witnessed Muslims from overseas and domestically spending huge sums if the designer bags and bulk shopping of Mac makeup products were anything to go by. I had a chat with two Muslim families down from Birmingham and Manchester respectively due to the kids summer break. When I pointed out the inconsistent approach that Westfield adopted towards Muslims and Jews both said if they had known about this they would have reconsidered their visit.

Westifield is located in West London with a huge Muslim population and today's sales figures demonstrate they are succeeding largely due to Muslim shoppers. As a result my question to Westfield is why do you ignore our faith while celebrating other faiths and will you rectify this by celebrating Eid on behalf of local Muslims who you currently choose to ignore?

Pregnant Women advised not to fast during Ramadhan

Pregnant Muslim women have been advised not to fast during Ramadhan by scientists in the US because of the health threat to both the Mother and unborn baby.

Women who are pregnant have an explicit exemption from fasting so long as they make it up in other ways like charity or catching up on lost days later. However, therein lies the difficulty as some women remain reluctant to catch up when others are not fasting so they continue with the fast during Ramadhan. My advice would be to follow the medical advice and put both the mother's and unborn babies health first.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Bethlehem Christians fast during Ramadhan with Muslims

Unlike the evangelical fruitcakes in the USA who follow nutcases that amass huge wealth while lining up their mistresses the true Christians in the world from Bethlehem are continuing a centuries old tradition of fasting with Muslims.

Pity the garbage who have shown their true worth over the Ground Zero debate as people who have corrupted their own scriptures don't take a leaf from those that truly understand the importance of Muslim and Christians respecting each others faith's in the god forsaken Bethlehem.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Islamophobia: The new Anti Communism?

Indian Muslim tycoon Ahsan Ali Syed set to buy Blackburn Rovers

In another sign that Muslim influence in the premiership both on and off the pitch is growing the Indian born Muslim tycoon Ahsan Syed is in talks to buy Blackburn.

Apparently according to the reports he also has over £100 million to invest in transfers to turn Blackburn into a top team. Sam Allardyce must be thinking he has struck the jackpot and given the large Muslim population minus probably everyone who voted for Jack Straw the proposed investment makes sense.

A picture of Israel you won't see on BBC's Panorama

This is a picture that Mossad agent Jane Corbin won't be showing on her Israeli propaganda show which masquerades as a serious BBC current affairs programme.

For those interested in the truth its a smirking Israeli soldier mocking innocent Palestinian prisoners something that the BBC led by Mark Thompson who married an Israelite is not interested in showing.

Hijab Tip Mehdi Hassan & New Statesman

Domino's Pizza removes Halal Menu

The Torygraph is gleefully reporting that Domino's Pizza are scrapping their halal menu option due to poor sales.

I'm actually in two minds about this because ultimately it's Domino's loss rather than ours. My reasoning being that there is already a vast array of halal pizza options on the high street for Muslims particularly in London usually run by small Muslim retailers, so one of the big boys pulling out will help maintain the small independent Muslim Pizza retailer. However, from the alternative consumer point of view I'm all for competition and the impact this has on prices.

Where Domino's went wrong was to assume that Muslim consumers like myself would ditch for example my usual Pizza outfit in West London where I am so well known that the moment I walk into the shop the order is already taken. Muslim consumer loyalty like any loyalty has to be earned which the short term business model did not appear to take into consideration.

More generally while all can remember a Pizza Hut advert involving the England calamity boys Stuart Pearce and Chris Waddle who can remember a Domino's advert for Halal? For those who need a basic business lesson at Domino's you may like to know that marketing also helps sales.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Halal scanner launched on iPhone App Store

Ali Karimi, Iran's "Maradona" fired for not observing Ramadhan

Iran's Ali Karimi also known as "Asia's Maradona" has been fired from his club Steel Azin for allegedly being "disobedient" by refusing to observe the fast during Ramadhan.

Karimi denies the charge and perhaps more relevant is the allegation that he also insulted officials at his club one of whom was an apparatchik from the Revolutionary Guards.

Was Dr David Kelly murdered because he became an Enemy of the State?

Palestinians refused entry to Al Aqsa Mosque during Ramadhan

Friday, August 13, 2010

Celebrate Mercy

Beautiful Fatiha this first Friday of Ramadhan

Fake Zam Zam Water

In the best traditions of Del Boy's Peckham spring water it now seems you can't even rely on Zam Zam water being genuine according to Trading Standards Officer in Gloucestershire and Scotland.

You would think that the fraudsters would avoid something that is so important to Muslims and one wonders if these fraudsters are actually Muslims.

Halal Holiday's

LM is particularly keen to promote Halal travel and has written about this before specifically the unique crescentrating service who are the leaders in providing a global standard for Halal travel.

The BBC have a very interesting article about Halal holiday's including an example of a Muslim family holiday to Alanya in Southern Turkey which appears entirely sharia compliant for the whole family where Muslim women can also enjoy the beach as they wear the Burkini.

Crescentrating - Halal Friendly Travel

Thursday, August 12, 2010

David Cameron wishes Muslims the best for Ramadhan

David Cameron has sent his best wishes to Muslims as we observe Ramadhan.

This follows the message from President Obama who went one further again in his Ramadhan message by also offering to host an Iftar Dinner on Firday at the White House. Lets hope Cameron and Clegg also host an Iftar dinner at No 10

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Islamic apps on iPhone for Ramadhan

LM has to admit I'm not an iPhone user although everyone I know seems to have one.

What I find interesting though is the number of Islamic apps you can get on your iPhone as this article in the Torygraph highlights. Apparently you can now get a "find Mecca" and "mosque finder" apps amongst others. However, what the article taught me which I did not know about until now is that American Mosques do not have the Azan broadcast on external loudspeakers which is why the apps should prove even more useful in the US.

Prosecute the racist Police Officer's who attacked Babar Ahmad

Last year LM wrote about a nasty racist bit of work in the Metropolitan Police called PC Mark Jones who was cleared by a court of assaulting two Muslims.

Jones who was involved in brutally assaulting Babar Ahmad by forcing him to kneel and pray while mocking him will find out today if the DPP will charge him with the racist attack.

Following the shocking decision over the Ian Tomlinson murder lets hope in this case the thugs who attacked Babar Ahmad do finally face justice.

The Killing fields of Kashmir

Kashmir has to be one of the most beautiful places in the world although sadly its serenity and scenery has been blighted by one of the bloodiest and murderous security crackdowns involving Indian state terrorists.

For some reason Kashmir does not get the same level of publicity as many other tragedies affecting Muslims around the world although Dean Nelson writes a fantastic article in the Telegraph about the suffering of the Kashmiri's and how the world has turned its back on Kashmir.

Sadly when Cameron was in India pointing the finger at Pakistan turning both ways he could have shown some courage and pointed  the finger at India the biggest democracy in the world who choose to subjugate murder and oppress Kashmiri Muslims while the world turns a blind eye to what India, like Israel does in the name of democracy.

The racist campaign against Etihad Airways

London Muslim is no friend of Etihad Airways for the reasons I explain here when they used Danni Minouge to publicise their airways rather than a Muslim or more appropriately someone with a positive attitude towards Muslims.

However, sadly Etihad has also been the subject of a nasty racist campaign on the internet about the above picture which occurred during testing by Airbus suspiciously with Etihad livery on. However, finally it's CEO has decided to confront the racist lies.

I'm not surprised that Etihad which as I've already highlighted is run largely by white senior management and white press officers is targeted by racists because inevitably if you employ people who take your money but have no understanding of your culture its inevitable that a disgruntled white former employee may turn to racism when they have a grudge.

LM provided Etihad ample opportunity to respond to my articles over Danni Minouge which they chose to ignore just like the white male CEO did with the unfounded rumours about Etihad's safety record. It goes without saying that as Churchill said if a lie gets half way around the world before the truth gets it's pants on why in this Internet age did Etihad senior employees take an eternity to correct false malicious and racist stories about the airline? LM will be keeping a close eye to see if any Etihad management or Press Officers suspiciously move to a European, American or Arab rival.

Will Mecca Time replace GMT?

Following the construction of the world's largest clock in Mecca which dwarfs London's Big Ben there is a growing hope that Mecca Time will replace GMT as the new universal time standard.

GMT was imposed by the west in 1884 when in reality Mecca is the global meridian as it is the true centre of the world. Naturally there will be the usual white male outcry about another chipping away at the West's history particularly as the tourist industry over at Greenwich may take a hit. The Muslim response should be to press ahead with plans for Mecca Time and revert to the glorious days of Muslim civilisation when Muslim scientist Al Jazri built the first clock.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Ramadhan starts on Wednesday 11th August

Islam Channel have confirmed that Ramadhan starts on Wednesday 11th August inshallah. Ramdhan Kareem to all Muslims.

When is Ramadhan 2010

Apparently as of 18.25 GMT on Tuesday 10 August 2010: I understand  that the High Judiciary Council of Saudi Arabia are still meeting to establish a moon sighting for when Ramadhan 2010 starts although it looks like August 11. Nothing confirmed yet and more soon inahallah.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Muslims like Scottish people more than the English

Given the current discourse in England towards Muslims and Islam I'm not surprised that its fairly easy to find a country we like more - in this instance Scotland according to research.

However, apparently according to the research one barrier to greater integration of Muslims within Scottish society is the love of alcohol north of the border and our reluctance to pop out for a session with the Tartan Army.

I'm a little sceptical about the Alcohol argument being a barrier as I've often found the most amusing friendly and genuinely warmest welcome you can get is from the Irish some of whom drink like a fish.

More generally I'm interested to know what Muslims think of non Muslims. We are often bombarded with what others think of us, I wonder who around the world we like the best? For me it would have to be a close call between the Irish and Canadians.

Mezhgan Hussainy, Simon Cowell's Muslim girlfriend gets it off her chest

A Non Muslim woman experiments with the Hijab

Something you won't find in a history book from the West

Rochdale abandons "Muslim friendly toilets"

London Muslim believes if anyone in the world ever wanted an example on the current discourse about Muslims and Islam in the UK then the "nationwide public outrage" over a couple of Kazi's would be a good start.

What does it say about a country which once had an empire but sadly is in terminal economic decline with mass unemployment that celebrations are now presumably due as a Rochdale Shopping Center bows (no pun intended) to public pressure and decides against introducing two squatting style Kazis.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

QPR's "new Zidane" Muslim Adel Taarabt

Rabbi from Wiesenthal Center opposes Ground Zero Mosque while opening "Museum of Tolerance"

One of the interesting facts to emerge from a rather depressing and racist debate about the merits of the Ground Zero Mosque has been how divided American Jewish opinion is on this issue.

While there has been outstanding Jewish support for the Mosque from amongst others the Jewish Mayor of New York Michael Bloomberg there has also sadly been vehement and racist opposition from bigots like Abraham Foxman, head of the Anti Defamation League, resulting in CNN's Fareed Zakaria returning an ADL award.

However, what takes the biscuit surely has to be the hypocrisy of Rabbi Meyer, Director of The Simon Wiesenthal Centre who when supporting the opening of - wait for it "The Museum of Tolerance" in New York opposed a Ground Zero Mosque calling it "insensitive".

As the outstanding Jewish political organisation J-Street state "Tolerance means giving these moderate Muslim groups the same treatment as any other religious group" a lesson our own little insect the Jewish Sheep Shagger will do well to heed as he continues his vicious witch hunt by gleefully highlighting Muslims as pimps and appropriately linking to BNP blogs. Perhaps when the Macabi boy tires in his pathetic BBC conspiracy theories and shows some consistency by criticising the BBC for failing to mention mass murder Harold Shipman was Jewish will I begin to take this creature seriously as a principled opponent of BBC coverage rather than a hypocritical twat who selectively engages in outrage when Muslims are concerned but adopts a conspicuous silence when Jews are involved in controversy.

Senior Muslim Home Office official attacks ban on Zakir Naik

Sabin Khan a senior Muslim official in the Home Office has attacked Theresa May for banning Zakir Naik from a lecture tour in the UK

Khan said she was "gutted and mortified" by the decision and has immediately come under fire from Tory MP's as well as Israelites in the Conservative Friends of Israel like Richard Harrington the Watford MP who sadly despite my warning has been allowed by Muslims to represent them.

Miss Khan shares the view of all decent Muslims about this exceptionally stupid decision which is entirely counterproductive as Zakir Naik is a well respected scholar.

Slough Tory Muslim Councillor denies Bigamy charge

The leader of Slough Tories Councillor Pervez Choudhry who was arrested and charged with bigamy has denied the charge.

His second wife not surprisingly appears to have already made her mind up and left. Perhaps a lesson for all those who use dating agencies be sure to ask your prospective husband about his previous.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Alhabib Islamic Web Service Blog

Alhabib Islamic Web Service Blog

Islamic Calendar 2011 Available for Download


Islamic Calendar 2011 Available for Download Alhamdulillaah, as the title says, the islamic calendar for the year 2011 is now available for download. The calendar covers the Hijri dates of the islamic year 1432 to 1433 anno hegira (AH, after hijra). There is also a list of important islamic dates or events that will, for example, tell you when will ramadan [...]

Will the House of Saud, Al Sabah's and Al Thani's do the same with their stolen wealth?

British Woman arrested in Dubai for wearing a bikini

A British mum was arrested in Dubai after having an argument with an Arab woman about her skimpy attire.

Lets remember the debate about those racists who support Phillip Hollobone's attempt to ban the Niqab because, as the argument goes it's not part of British culture to cover one's face. London Muslim looks forward to all the racists who support the banning of the Niqab showing consistency by also supporting Dubai's right to tell a British women to dress according to Muslim customs. Yeh right fat chance, the only consistency is from people like Caroline Spellman and Sayeeda Warsi who continue to argue like me that nobody has the right to interfere in somebody else's wardrobe.

Let's be clear what a certain section of white folk cannot tolerate is being told what to do by non white folk. My view is simple it's about consistency, should for example France pursue it's policy of banning the Niqab then the entire Muslim world should unite and when a Frog arrives in a Muslim country, explain the Muslim custom of modesty, give them a Niqab to wear and if they refuse kick them out. Consistency, one rule for all that's my view, if the civilised West has it's customs which we should all adhere too then Muslims also have our customs which you should respect.

Abdullah, Muslim Football Freestyle Legend

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Boycott Israeli dates this Ramadan

Israel "on it's own side" of the border

Harrow set for Halal only menu in Schools

Harrow Council seem to have caused a bit of stir by appearing to propose halal only meal options in primary schools.

As a result the opposition from the animal lobby through to the usual suspects have kicked off. What LM opposes is Muslims kids being forced to eat not halal food or non Muslim kids being forced to eat halal food. Surely the balance here has to be about choice which is why sadly I am appalled at the local Pakistani fruitcake appearing to imply that Non Muslim kids should stuff it and eat halal because they have no religious restrictions on such food. With that sort of thinking from Pakistanis is it any wonder they are led by a Zardari.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Quiliam or is it the McCarthyite Foundation

The fruitcakes at Quiliam have smelt the coffee and realised their millions of taxpayers money for foreign jaunts and plush offices is about to removed.

In a desperate bid to convince the new Con Dem administration of their worth Mohammed Hussain and Majid Nawaz the Laural and Hardy of the Muslim community who claim to be recovering extremists have decided to up the ante by pointing the finger at virtually the entire Muslim community through a list of Muslims who they claim are "Islamists" and handing it to a white man in a suit with lots of taxpayers money to distribute.

The immediate reaction seems positive from their point of view with Tory's briefing that this is what they like to see. Naturally what white men in suits want to see is brown men behaving like good little brownies. After all, how did 500 white men rule 500 million Indians, largely as a result of brown sahibs dreaming of being ennobled as Lord Bud Bud Ding Ding of Curry and Rice.

While not in the same league as Franco's list of Jews being handed to the Nazis or Schindlers list what the list does prove is how two charlatans will stoop to any lengths to shit on fellow Muslims in order to accept the corrupt shilling from the taxpayer.

Malaysian State approves Child Marriage for Muslim girls

The Malaysian state of Malacca has announced it is to allow girls under the age of 16 to marry in a bid to stop unwanted pregnancies.

Child Marriage is not the answer, what is needed is a robust sex education policy to teach a largely illiterate population from villages about the dangers of unprotected sex out of wedlock.

Are Muslim women being radicalised on campus?

The publicity conscious Shaista Gohir claims she has "ample anecdotal evidence" that Muslim women are being targeted on campus by radicals.

LM does wonder about characters like Gohir and her Muslim Women's network who seem very capable of grabbing a headline but rather thin on the ground with evidenced based analysis or research that stands up to scrutiny. Let's not forget this is the same character who works for the discredited Prevent programme something I and a number of others in the Muslim community always knew was a glorified spying operation for the establishment.

Perhaps the only way to grab a headline is to claim Muslims are going off the rails. Yaz is on typically hyper form by getting rather ticked off that Muslim sisters go to a Mosque and dress modestly on the beach rather than looking like tarts by getting their tits out for all to see which thus gains her a full page spread in the Mail. Yaz while you may like the occasional glass of wine the fact that Muslim sisters prefer to to observe their faith and behave in a pious manner rather than puking up on a Friday night is no crime.

Pakistan Drowns while Zardari arrives in London

New York should recognise Muslim School Holidays

Slough's Tory Muslim leader charged with bigamy

The leader of Slough Tory's Cllr Pervez Choudary was arrested and charged with one count of bigamy.

Seems like he has a bit of explaining to do to his Mrs as he has been released on bail.

Go home Zardari

Mr 10% who also goes by the name of President Zardari is in town to watch the cricket, set his son up as heir, do some shopping, oh and fit in a chat with David Cameron while his country drowns.

LM wonders why on earth this crook who leads a country that is currently suffering a terrible tragedy in the form of the floods that have displaced and killed so many people thinks its ok to swan around in luxury hotels while his people are suffering so much.

More generally a man who looks like a character out of a Al Capone movie, was suspected of murdering his own wife and has turned pornistan into a byword for violence, terror and torture deserves to be treated with the same contempt as the so called "Islamic Republic".

QPR sign Adel Taarabt

London Muslim indicated at the beginning of summer that my sources were confident QPR would pull off a major coup by signing the outstanding Muslim football maestro from Morocco Adel Taarabt.

According to the Evening Standard the transfer of Taarabt looks almost completed which is a fantastic achievement for the persistent Neil Warnock and a significant breakthrough for QPR's efforts to seek promotion this year.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Alhabib Islamic Web Service Blog

Alhabib Islamic Web Service Blog

Six New Greeting Cards for Ramadan 1431 AH


Six New Greeting Cards for Ramadan 1431 AH Alhamdulillah, all praise be to Allah. In the coming couple of weeks we will be entering the blessed month of Ramadan 1431 AH. Marhaban yaa Shahru Mubarak, welcome ramadan! We have created 6, new ramadan greeting cards. As usual, they are already uploaded in the Islamic Greeting Card section of the main website of Alhabib. [...]

Ground Zero Mosque gets go ahead

The Ground Zero Mosque has been given the green light by planners in New York despite an enormous racist campaign to point the collective guilt at all Muslims for what was a criminal act by mass murderers.

The commission voted 9-0 not to grant landmark status which is our equivalent of listed building status paving the  way for the construction of the building.

Muslim "honour" gang murder couple after firebombing wrong house

A so called "honour gang" managed to murder an innocent Muslim couple after setting fire to the wrong house.

The intended victim was somebody one of the gang members suspected was having an affair with his sister.