Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Lutfur Rahman for Mayor of Tower Hamlets

The launch of the Labour Party campaign in Tower Hamlets was a damp squidb yesterday and had all the hallmarks of a car crash as it was on the same day London 2012 snubbed the people of Tower Hamlets over the new route of the Olympic marathon with toothless Labour in Tower Hamlets unable to do anything.

Labour after considerable prompting from Israelites like Gilligan and the ghastly Edward Jeory as well as the snake Rushanara Ali moved against Lutfur Rahman by deselecting him as the Labour Party candidate then chose Helal Abbas. Not content with deselecting Lutfur who is still shown as a supporter on the Labour Friends of Bangladesh website, Labour for good measure have also deselected 11 members of the Tower Hamlets party including 8 councillors. 

The Muslim obsessed Edward Jeory a supporter of Phil Woolas  presumably following his Jewish proprietor Richard Desmond's line at the Excrement is now trying to draw Ken Livingstone into this dispute. Don't forget it was Jewish Journalist Oliver Feingold at the Standard with help from the Board of Deputies for Jews that got Ken suspended as Mayor.

Make no mistake Jeory who seems to have become Abbas's spokesman and Gilligan will not stop at Lutfur Rahman because their ultimate objective is Ken Livingstone. Worryingly while the Gilligan and Jeory Laurel and Hardy double act play out their wider game plan for London what I find more ominous is how increasingly Dave Hill at the Guardian appears to be buying into the Laurel and Hardy narrative.

Muslims and non Muslims in Tower Hamlets need to stand united in stopping the right wing establishment imposing their candidate. Bethnal Green Muslims did a fantastic job consigning war monger Oona King to the history dustbin and now Helal Abbas should also be sent packing.

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