Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Tea Party has a problem with Islam

Judson Phillips the founder of the Tea Party has continued his crusade of inflammatory remarks about Islam and Muslims by saying he has a "real problem" with Islam.

Phillips who ironically was attempting to clarify his equally repugnant comments about the need to defeat Congressman Keith Ellison because he is a Muslim seems to be upset about terms like infidel and that Muslims have killed non Muslims.

What's ironic is while he seems upset about a remark he intentionally takes out of context he by his own actions and words treats people of a different faith like infidels.

Unlike Bill O'Reilly who has a problem with all Muslims not just Muslim extremists I have a real problem with American Evangelical nuts who have so bastardised and corrupted their faith and turned it into a sect that generates Mormoms, David Korresh and Judson Phillips.

The reality which American evangelical Christians will find hard to accept is they are not Christians. The true Christians are Arab Christians where Christianity was founded in the Middle East not a bunch of freaks in America some of whom are into Quran burning and even snake charming. Travel the Middle East, the Far East and India where you will see a far healthier relationship between true Christians and Muslims and then compare the American version. What American evangelicals who seems to equate their country with some godforsaken place need to acknowledge is they are freaks living in a land where no great faith was established so deal with it.

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