Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The London "terrorist" Tube driver

Amir Ali a tube driver from Ilford has been charged with planning to wage war in Afghanistan.

Apparently according to the prosecution he booked a single flight to Pakistan and told his Mrs what to do with the kids when he did not return.

What I find nauseating about these cases and to be fair Ali is innocent until proven guilty is that he lives in Ilford an area of East London with a huge Muslim population yet it returns MPs who ironically support the war in Afghanistan ie Tory Lee Scott and Labour's Israelite Mike Gapes.

What responsibility do people like Ali and his ilk take for allowing Mike Gapes to be elected who supports the Iraq War, anti terrorism laws directed at Muslims as well as being a strong supporter of Israel. Some of us were on the streets in Ilford campaigning against Gapes although I don't recall seeing Ali. Who really has Muslim blood on their hands the likes of Ali who refuse to vote and allow Neo Cons and Israelites to support  wars that kill innocent Muslims or those of us that campaign to prevent these politicians from implementing their new world order?

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