Friday, October 22, 2010

Lutfur Rahman inflicts a crushing defeat on Labour to become Independent Mayor of Tower Hamlets

Lutfur Rahman won a significant victory yesterday when he crushed the racist Labour machine in London to become Independent Mayor of Tower Hamlets.

There are many lessons to learn from yesterday but chief amongst them are for the Labour Party to honestly acknowledge how they allowed themselves to follow the Laural and Hardy Narrative of Gilligan and Jeory which led them a huge defeat in a traditionally safe Labour heartland.

I knew we were going to win handsomely so as a result did not feel the need take the bait and respond to some of the ugly remarks by Gilligan who had the cheek to call me a racist, this from a man who took the blood soaked money of Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Press TV and is currently calling Tower Hamlets an "Islamic Republic". No wonder extremist right wing Tory MP's like Greg Hands who has a murky background associating with Tory students calling for Nelson Mandela's hanging are gleefully linking to Gilligan's articles.

Loathsome people like Gilligan are the real dangerous types because of the scars they leave in communities before they disappear back to their ivory towers in Canary Wharf. Once he was kicked out of his job at the Standard his influence in London nosedived to that of a shrill fanatic on a soapbox in Hyde Park.

Tower Hamlets and Lutfur Rahman is a case study of how Muslims can politically engage within the system to democratically defeat our enemies. White fanatics however, as the history of this country's colonial legacy prove have always needed brown sahibs to do their dirty work for them and Helal Abbas should be ashamed of his conduct and for allowing himself to be used like the ghastly Oona King and increasingly the snake Rusharnara Ali.

This resounding victory for Muslims and Non Muslims in Tower Hamlets is a wake up call for Labour. Do you really want to associate yourself with Gilligan and Jeory or those activists that labelled Lutfur a "terrorist". A lot was said on all sides in a lively campaign and I distance myself from some of the nastier anti semitic remarks made about certain Jews in Tower Hamlets however, Muslims were also the victims of racist remarks.

The bigger political battle is now for London. My message to Labour is you are either with us the million plus Muslims of London or against us so the first thing you should do is readmit Lutfur and the 8 councillors to the Labour Party. Labour's defeat is bitter sweet for me because my ultimate political enemies are right wing Tory supporting fanatics and you just have to be an ordinary Londoner who tried to use the tube this week to realise how important it is to kick out the clown Boris Johnson from City Hall.

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