Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Daily Mail asks why British Career women revert to Islam

The Daily Mail fresh from linking an extractor fan, bacon and Muslims appears to be trying to redeem itself somewhat by highlighting the issue of British women reverting to Islam following the Lauren Booth case.

The Mail naturally cant help itself with its DNA of anti Islamic sentiment so who best to write about why women revert to Islam than a women who shows a bit of leg in the guise of Eve Ahmad someone who left Islam because she was not allowed to watch Top of the Pops by her dad. 

One has to say to the Daily Mail while the article ironically appears reasonably balanced the issue of UK women rejecting the decadence and permissiveness of western society is not solely about Islam as the conversion of Jonathan Aitkins daughter to Sikhism illustrates.

Eve you may like to know that Top of the Pops was ended by the BBC and as a Muslim I have never been told not to eat Chewing Gum two of the most bizarre reasons I have ever come across for anyone rejecting any faith.

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