Wednesday, October 20, 2010

£37 billion on Defence and the UK cannot defeat a few blokes on a donkey

The long awaited Spending Review was announced by Boy George Osborne today which contained nothing new, same old Tories same old cuts although the only difference being the Liberal Democrats have shamefully become accomplices to these policies.

What I find amusing is how the mainstream corporate media seem to have been engrossed in the battle between Liam Fox and Osborne over a couple of aircraft carriers. The upshot seems to be the carriers get built with no aircraft which perfectly sums up current defence thinking by the warmongers and Neo Cons.

One simple fact that armchair chicken generals omit to mention is what justification can there be for UK spending approaching £37 billion on Defence when we cannot defeat a few blokes on a donkey in Afghanistan. The UK is the fourth biggest military spender in the world yet we as a country appear unwilling to enter a rational debate about our place in the world.

William Hague recently seem to indicate British Foreign policy was about being around the world leaders table punching above our weight yet as Simon Jenkins says who are we supposed to be punching?

This is a debate that's not just relevant for the UK, Saudi Arabia are closing a deal worth $60 billion with the US for new fighter jets yet the moment they hear a bullet fire the House of Saud are under the casino table trembling with fear.

With all the billions spent on the Ministry of Defence which should be renamed the Ministry of Attack one thing will be sure, Muslims and British soldiers will continue to die around the world while arms dealing fat cats and Neo Cons laugh all the way to the bank.

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