Thursday, October 14, 2010

Rape is not "impossible" within a Muslim marriage

Muslims in the western world have enough on our plate without a scholar managing to put his foot in it by outrageously appearing to justify rape within marriage.

LM accepts I'm no scholar but we live in a non Muslim country where Sharia does not apply so ultimately the laws of this land are decided by Parliament. As a result living in the UK if some drink sodden Muslim Muppet of a husband forces himself on his wife without her permission that is rape in the eyes of English law and all Muslims should acknowledge and accept that including this scholar who does himself, our faith and Muslims in general no favours.

This scholar then disgracefully appears to claim Muslim women lie about allegations of rape along with advising them not to inform the Police in the first instance. I wonder if the scholar were to get a slap from his presumably long suffering Mrs would he avoid informing the Police of an assault.

Muslim husbands can be abusive so lets not live in denial.

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