Thursday, October 21, 2010

Are UK Ahmadis really getting death threats?

LM wrote about Ahmadis recently in connection with one of their flock the Lib Dem candidate in Tooting Nasser Butt trying to stir up a bit of tension claiming he was threatened by Sadiq Khan supporters.

The accusations of threats against Ahmadis have been taken up by Jerome Taylor in the Independent so being a bit of traditionalist I thought the first thing I should do is check for evidence. The article seems to rely on Pakistan and one or two Ahmadi mosques being attacked however, Pakistanis currently sadly seem to be in the habit of blowing up mosques belonging to all sorts of different schools of thought within Islam including Sunni and Shia so Ahmadis are no different to anyone else in having their mosques attacked.

I then thought perhaps there may be some detailed evidence in the UK of criminal coordinated acts because after all, the Independent according to Taylor did carry out an "investigation" which revealed a "major escalation of sectarian conflict within British Islam". The evidence Taylor has uncovered was a girl alleging she had been given a leaflet which the Police are investigating and a few silly quotes. In addition "Sunni Preachers" which I assume is a reference to Sheikh Suliman Gani have urged a boycott of Ahmadi businesses. I boycott Tesco because of their made in Israel products, vegetarians boycott butchers, etc etc so what.

My point, well the Independent is a serious paper unlike the red tops so I expect a bit more in terms of smoking gun evidence when you run with a story heading "Hardliners call for deaths of Surrey Muslims". Sadly a poor alarmist article cobbled together and appearing to plagiarise from the Wandsworth Guardian with ironically little independent verifiable evidence to substantiate the claims of threats.

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