Saturday, October 23, 2010

Torture is the British and American Legacy in Iraq

A series of leaks from the whisteblowing website Wikileaks has finally begun to unravel the truth of Britain and America's true legacy in Iraq - Torture.

We as a country have focused considerably on American and British casualties yet the reality is this racist focus has masked a complete overlooking of the true victims during the brutal Iraq war which has been the Iraqis.

While the Israelites gleefully rub their hands in an attempt to further destabilise the Middle East on behalf of Israel by ramping up Iran as the next threat why and how did we as a country allow ourselves to shamefully be accomplices to abuse, torture and the destruction of a nation.

The Americans are largely run by the Israel lobby but why did we allow B£iar to turn our country and our armed forces into a mercenary outfit for America and Israel. Britain stands shamed in the eyes of the world for our conduct and have created enmity and hatred amongst people of the Middle East for generations.

Why don't we realise that our political and military elite have failed us. The consensus over the Iraq war with the exception of the Lib Dems is an indication of how powerful lobby groups coordinated their interests over Oil and War to kill innocent Iraqis whose only crime was to be born an Iraqi.

British and American soldiers lost their lives because our democratically elected govts sent them to their deaths. However, the brutal suffering inflicted on the Iraqi's is also our shame because it was done in our name so we indirectly have blood on our hands.

You will hear the Israelites talk of "Islamists" "extremists" and Al Qaeda etc but the simple equation for us in Blighty is that not one Iraqi raised a finger in anger towards us before we destroyed their country and tortured their people. Whatever your political persuasion, faith, race or gender surely one thing we can all agree and prevent is another murderous illegal foreign adventure where innocent people suffer the indignity of seeing their country destroyed by two western democracies that boast about the ballot box but hide our true legacy of torture.

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