Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sadiq Khan and Rushanara Ali snub Labour Friends of Palestine dinner

Last night the Labour Friends of Palestine held a fringe event which Ed Miliband attended along with countless MP's and significantly a huge number of Labour delegates. The success of the evening can be measured when the Israelite fanatics over at Hasbara's Place get upset.

While one should not get particularly excited with Ed attending as he was doing about 20 events yesterday and has already confirmed his attendance for this evenings Labour Friends of Israel dinner nevertheless it is a step in the right direction although clearly action speak louder than words. One wonders if Ed may take a more positive approach on the Middle East considering his mum is a leading member of Jews for Justice in Palestine.

However, when the recently elected leader of the Labour Party can find time to attend an LFP event along with Muslim MP's, Anas Sarwar, Shabana Mahmood and Yasmin Quereshi what LM finds shocking is that Sadiq Khan someone who I previously admired refused to attend the dinner despite numerous invites along with the snake Rushanara Ali. Sadiq who during the election campaign urged Muslims to vote Labour and was Ed Miliband's campaign manager has no excuse as he was observed in the building running off presumably to the diversity dinner and the snake Rushanara was in the next room at a Women's event.

Sadiq Khan and Rushanara Ali who have previous form should apologise to the organisers and their Muslim constituents for snubbing what still remains the core issue of Palestine.

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