Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Free schools in London

My regular readers will know my complete opposition to faith schools which I have explained here and here.

LM believes sending little Jews, Muslims, Christians etc to the same school at a young age will help form lasting friendships rather than the divisive nature of current faith schools which evidently divide kids on the basis of faith storing up enormous social cohesion problems for society.

Sadly the education apartheid is set to worsen with the Con Dem's policy of free schools which is a backdoor attempt to pander to right wing pushy parents and divert resources from existing state schools. I should point out that this is not a party political point as I've also been critical of New Lab when they were in power. The announcement yesterday of the first wave of schools in London with a large uptake of Jewish schools is yet another ominous sign as one can be sure Muslims will follow.

Without wishing to sound naive I do hope occasionally politicians will stand up to the religious lobby who prefer the current jobs for the religious boys approach to the detriment of future harmonious relations between people of all faiths and no faith.

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