Monday, September 27, 2010

Halal food

I have written about Halal food on a number of occasions recently in response to the increasingly hysterical debate being driven in large part by the tabloids here in the UK.

When the meat industry established the high percentage of halal meat being sold in the UK initial opposition to Halal was based around food labelling and the slaughtering method Muslims use ie the issue of stunning although a similar Jewish method seems to have managed to escape the wrath of the tabloids.

However, the latest strategy now seems to be based around stoking up anger over the issue of alleged secrecy concerning the widespread use of halal in UK supermarkets.

Lets have some honesty which even the Torygraph are calling for, the reality is secret or not secret Islamophobes will oppose Halal simply because it is something we Muslims require as part of our faith.

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