Friday, September 3, 2010

The "honour Killing" of Shafilea Ahmed

The parents of Shafilea Ahmed have been arrested in connection with the brutal murder of their daughter.

While being cautious as the parents have not been charged, I am more genuinely perplexed and totally dumbfounded about what form of Islam Muslims follow who engage in "honour Killings". What perverted mind believes there is honor in murder and how can this be justified. While I accept this is largely a practice that emanates in the sub continent particularly Pakistan nevertheless these people who sadly call themselves "Muslims" once again bring dishonour to our faith.

The freedom that we as Muslims enjoy in the West seems to disorientate a significant section of the British Muslim Pakistani community largely first generation who live in their ghettos in Bradistan and marry their first cousins. With freedom comes responsibility however, sadly the inability of some British Muslim Pakistanis who have left their villages for a better and more prosperous life, to adjust to life in the West needs to be acknowledged. The reality is we as a Muslim community are in denial about some practices that have nothing to do with Islam but everything to do with the village in Pakistan you are from and my worry is that like first cousin marriages this is not being addressed by some of our mullahs largely because they are from the same village and share the same ignorant mentality.

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