Saturday, September 4, 2010

The Labour Party Leadership

As a member of the Labour Party my leadership ballot papers arrived in the Post today.

I dislike what the Labour Party has become an authoritarian war mongering watered down version of the Tory Party. The Labour Party have been responsible for some of the most draconian attacks on our country's civil liberties and demonisation of Muslims through MP's like Jack "Take Your burka off" Straw, Phil "inbreeding" Woolas, Dennis McShane and Jim Fitzpatrick to name but a few. The Party has been hijacked by the Labour Friends of Israel and of course has the blood of countless Muslims on its hands through its horrific interventionist foreign policy in Iraq and Afghanistan. Surprisingly it is the Con Dems that have been progressive towards Muslims by dismantling Prevent and Section 44 although the banning of Zakir Naik was a mistake.

You may understandably ask why remain a member of such a party where over the years I can safely say the worst racists I have ever met are members of the Party and Labour Councillors/ MPs. One of the reasons for being a member is unlike the majority of ranting and raging Muslims I will have the opportunity to have my direct say in who I want to lead the party and ultimately be the future Prime Minister of our country. Without wishing to sound precious and however small my say is it is nevertheless an opportunity to directly prevent another war mongering Blairitre in the form of David Miliband being the next party leader despite two Muslim MPs in Anas Sarwar and Yasmin Qureshi nominating him and supporting Diane Abbott.

Skimming through the candidate booklet what struck me is how Israelites continue to attempt to hijack the party via the internal election process for NEC candidates and National Policy Forum candidates. Characters like Luke Akehurst one of the leading Israelites in London elected as a councillor in Hackney by a huge Muslim vote of approaching 15% in his Chatham Ward proudly boasts about his support for Israel on his blog profile and may sadly get elected to the NEC. Moreover the National Policy Forum candidates includes Nikki Gavron and the ubiquitous as well as shadowy Alon or Bach two further Israelites with the latter born in Israel and widely perceived to be an Israeli plant in the Labour Party.

Currently there is no organised Muslim organisation to prevent the Labour Party lurching further towards Israel despite the party having a plethora of organisations like the Jewish Labour Movement.

LM can proudly state that I do not directly have the blood of innocent Muslims on my hand because I tried to prevent Blair being a leader and will now try to stop David Miliband. LM believes in thinking smart, why should a million go on a march to oppose a war when it probably takes 2 politicians to agree a war. Lets set the agenda rather than oppose it, lets be in the position of the two rather than the million marching who failed to stop the war.

Political literacy and political engagement are crucial for Muslims which is why I urge Muslims to join a Political Party and for those in Labour to oppose David Miliband and vote Diane Abbott for the reasons I've already explained. With regard to the London Mayoral election I will be supporting Ken Livingstone and his slate on the NEC ballot including Christine Shawcroft who opposes the Afghan War to keep out the Israelites like Oona King who continue to be given their patronage by the London Labour Party. What London Muslim in their right mind would vote for Oona King as our Mayor following her support and vote for the Iraq War.

Politicians should be treated like nappies and changed for the same reason. Should David Miliband be elected as leader and subsequently PM with a nod to a war in Iran it will be Muslims who did nothing politically to prevent this situation that indirectly have blood on their hands.

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