Saturday, September 18, 2010

Britain adopts Halal Food

London Muslim has always been clear with my demands for Halal food to be introduced in greater quantity however as in the case of Harrow Schools or Airline food I've always maintained there should be a choice on offer.

Today a number of papers are running with the the usual shock outage of Halal Food being introduced in quintessentially non halal English institutions like Public schools and Wembley Stadium

What I find interesting is the deep strain of racism that runs behind these stories where Murdoch's News of the Screws hide behind the issue of choice to continue their anti Muslim hysteria. The historically Nazi supporting and black shirt collaborating Daily Mail is no different but given their history I would expect nothing more from that moronic right wing paper who at least are consistent.

The issue of oppostion to halal has nothing to do with animal welfare it's about Islamophobia particularly when you consider the number of hypocrites who jump on the anti halal bandwagon yet eat meat rather than genuinely showing their animal compassion by adopting a vegetarian diet.

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