Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Racist London Labour Party remove Luftur Rahman as candidate for Tower Hamlets Mayor

The racist London Labour Party has finally realised that democracy in Tower Hamlets is a bad thing and as a result has decided to axe its democratically elected Labour Mayor candidate.

LM has been pointing out for years that London Labour is run by a character called Ken Clarke who is no friend of Muslims and as result I am not surprised in the least that he along with the NEC has taken his orders from the Torygraph and in particular the McCarthyite campaign of Andrew Gilligan along with fellow travellers like the Jewish Chronicle.

London Labour are now busy trying to divide and rule over Tower Hamlets Muslims by imposing a new candidate Abbas who should tell Labour's NEC to shove its selection where the sun don't shine. The difficulty admittedly being if Abbas does decline the appointment Ken Clarke and London Labour's dream comes true of appointing another white male John Biggs to take up the candidature. The rest of East London is run by white male Scottish entryists like Robin Wale and Jim Fitzpatrick so that's the approach in Tower Hamlets.

The reality about politics in East London which Dave Hill adequately and correctly describes by providing a proper historical analysis is Muslims like Catholics and Jews previously did are simply looking after themselves politically because understandably we cannot rely on some racists within London Labour to stand firm and side with us in times of difficulty and challenge.

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