Sunday, September 19, 2010

No charges in Pope Plot as all 6 Muslims freed

As I suspected yesterday and hinted heavily the timing of the arrest of 6 Muslims from Algeria on an alleged plot to kill the Pope was surely not a coincidence.

All 6 have been released without charge and given the increasing hysteria by the Spooks and the Met Police prior to the Spending Review the entire Pope Plot appears a typical Establishment set up to protect the funding of those men in uniform who continue to scaremonger using Muslims as their bait.

The arrest allowed the Jewish owned Excrement to splash a Front page about a Muslim plot to kill the Pope. Ironically yesterday was Yom Kippur the day of atonement for Jews however, I fear its unlikely that Richard Desmond the Jewish owner of the Excrement will atone by apologising to Muslims and correct the story.

Murdoch's Skum News is also quiet today running with the important headlines about Rikki Hatton having had their Crime Correspondent Martin Brunt on air virtually all yesterday and on Skum's sister station Fox telling the world about what now appears a classic spoiler by the Spooks fanned by the Neo Con corporate broadcast and non broadcast Media.

The Spooks along with their friends in the Met and so called think tanks are doing the dirty work of the establishment and sadly we Muslims are the victims.

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