Thursday, September 30, 2010

Alhabib Islamic Web Service Blog

Alhabib Islamic Web Service Blog

Islamic Quotes from Al Hasan Al Basree


Al-Hasan al-Basree, was born in Madinah, 642 CE and was, in fact, the son of Yasar, the slave of Zayd Ibn Thabet Al Ansari. His mother Ummul Hasan was a slave woman of Ummu Salamah, the wife of the Prophet peace be upon him. So he was born in the house of the Prophet, and [...]

Malaysia's PM and other Muslim leaders condemn Islamophobia at the UN

India's Ayodhya Verdict the Land is to be Divided

Today amid chaotic scenes a court in Allahabad decided that the Hindu mob who tore down a Mosque in Ayodhya were allowed to because it was the birthplace of Lord Ram. In a 2-1 judgement the land now seems as though it will be divided so one third of the land will be used to rebuild a Mosque while the RSS fanatics get two thirds.

India should be ashamed that not only does it allow State operators to murder innocent Muslims in Kashmir but it also allows a Hindu mob to tear down and destroy a Mosque then return only a third of the land to the Sunni Wakf Board.

Lets be clear there is only one country in the world which has a Hindu majority and their treatment of minorities is utterly reprehensible and dangerous.

Tight security ahead of Ayodhya Verdict

This is how Disney wants Muslim employees who wear the Hijab to dress

Disney who banned Muslim employee Noor Abdallah from wearing the Hijab has now forced her to wear a hat if she wants to continue working for Disney and with the public.

Disney have behaved in an utterly contemptible and racist manner and frankly should be taught an economic lesson by the Muslim ummah. London Muslim urges all Muslims to boycott Disney products and avoid any trips to Disneyland.

Sayeeda Warsi claims Labour benefited from Voter Fraud

Sayeeda Warsi in an interview with the New Statesman has alleged that in certain seats the Labour Party benefited from voter fraud and as a result prevented the Tories from gaining an overall majority.

Without naming them Warsi went on to say that the seats were "predominately within the Asian community" and specifically numbered 3 seats which the Tories did not gain. I don't think you have to be a rocket scientist to work out that one of the seats she must be thinking of is Tooting.

The Tories even threw the kitchen sink at Sadiq Khan in Tooting which is an Asian Seat and probably the number one Tory target in London which they ultimately failed to gain. There have been unsubstantiated rumours swirling around concerning Tooting however as Kevin Maguire says Warsi should put up or shut up by providing any evidence she may have to the Police.

Where I do agree with Warsi is in her assertion that the press is increasingly hysterical and Islamophobic in their treatment and coverage of Muslims. She is spot on with her comparison that Muslims are currently being treated just like the Jews when anti Semitic coverage was the norm.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

What is it like being an American Muslim?

Lutfur Rahman for Mayor of Tower Hamlets

Tax authorities block Mohammad Sarwar's peerage

Mohammad Sarwar the first Muslim MP in the UK has been blocked from becoming a peer in the House of Lords on the advice of the Taxman.

Apparently Mo who mysteriously made a fortune while an MP doesn't meet the standards of probity required to join an outfit where Lord Jeffrey Archer and the tax exile Lord Ashcroft are members.

While I'm no fan of unelected chambers and think in reality its simply God's waiting room for washed up politicians I do hope in the interim before we get rid of the chamber more Muslims should be there initiating legislation and playing a role in deciding the laws of the country.

Moreover until the situation with Mo is sorted out unfortunately we Muslims will have no organised Muslim movement within the Labour Party. Mo set up Muslim Friends of Labour which was in reality a Pakistani front organisation that simply followed the politics of Pakistan and did nothing for the wider Muslim ummah. Anas Sarwar MP, Mo's son has made clear he does not intend to get involved with MFL because its his dad's outfit so some certainly on Sarwar Senior's status is required before progress can be made on MFL.

Hazel Blears calls for "Muslim WAGS" to defeat "radical Islam"

One of the most odious New Labour creatures the chipmunk is at it again just when one thought we could breathe more easily having seen the back of her.

The chipmunk was at a fringe event yesterday during the Labour Party conference sponsored by the comedians at Quilliam called for Muslim WAGS to help defeat "radical Islam". What I found interesting is how through her honesty she let slip the purpose of setting up organisations like the Muslim Women's Advisory group was to try and counter the influence of the MCB. The founder of the Muslim WAG group set up by the Chipmunk resigned earlier this year.

The chipmunk along with the her bag carrier Paul Richards spent their time at the Department of Communities doing a great job dividing the Muslim community and disgracefully were responsible for New Labour Ministers boycotting the Islam Expo.

Having been the beneficiary of taxpayers money the recovering extremist Ed Hussain who set up Quilliam claims society's problem is due to a lack of communal space and too many pubs.

Ed have you heard of something called a coffee shop?

Ed Miliband attacks Israel

The Speech by Ed Miliband to Labour's Annual conference sadly has been overshadowed by the rather precious behaviour of his older brother.

However, the content of the speech with regard to Israel specifically that Israel must recognise the Palestinian right to statehood and his condemnation of the Gaza flotilla attack appears to be a significant and none to subtle change in tone towards the brutal occupiers which has been noted in Israel and by its supporters here in the UK.

London Muslim highlighted Ed's attendance at the Labour Friends of Palestine dinner and also the fact that his mum is a strong supporter of Jews for Justice in Palestine so perhaps these early signs are the beginning of a more just and equitable Labour Party policy towards Israel-Palestine.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Australia's first Muslim MP

Ed Husic the first Muslim to be elected to Australia's Parliament was sworn in using his Parents Koran.

Husic whose parents are originally from Bosnia has a background as a Trade Unionist and clearly is a fantastic role model for all Australian Muslims so many congratulations to him on a historic achievement following Australia's other notable achievement their first Muslim cricketer.

Candidates who may succeed Phil Woolas in Oldham if he loses Court Case

Komal Adris

Maryam Khan
Shahid Malik
Martin Linton 

Sadiq Khan and Rushanara Ali snub Labour Friends of Palestine dinner

Last night the Labour Friends of Palestine held a fringe event which Ed Miliband attended along with countless MP's and significantly a huge number of Labour delegates. The success of the evening can be measured when the Israelite fanatics over at Hasbara's Place get upset.

While one should not get particularly excited with Ed attending as he was doing about 20 events yesterday and has already confirmed his attendance for this evenings Labour Friends of Israel dinner nevertheless it is a step in the right direction although clearly action speak louder than words. One wonders if Ed may take a more positive approach on the Middle East considering his mum is a leading member of Jews for Justice in Palestine.

However, when the recently elected leader of the Labour Party can find time to attend an LFP event along with Muslim MP's, Anas Sarwar, Shabana Mahmood and Yasmin Quereshi what LM finds shocking is that Sadiq Khan someone who I previously admired refused to attend the dinner despite numerous invites along with the snake Rushanara Ali. Sadiq who during the election campaign urged Muslims to vote Labour and was Ed Miliband's campaign manager has no excuse as he was observed in the building running off presumably to the diversity dinner and the snake Rushanara was in the next room at a Women's event.

Sadiq Khan and Rushanara Ali who have previous form should apologise to the organisers and their Muslim constituents for snubbing what still remains the core issue of Palestine.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Anderson Cooper blasts Anti Muslim hate candidate Renee Ellmers

Halal food

I have written about Halal food on a number of occasions recently in response to the increasingly hysterical debate being driven in large part by the tabloids here in the UK.

When the meat industry established the high percentage of halal meat being sold in the UK initial opposition to Halal was based around food labelling and the slaughtering method Muslims use ie the issue of stunning although a similar Jewish method seems to have managed to escape the wrath of the tabloids.

However, the latest strategy now seems to be based around stoking up anger over the issue of alleged secrecy concerning the widespread use of halal in UK supermarkets.

Lets have some honesty which even the Torygraph are calling for, the reality is secret or not secret Islamophobes will oppose Halal simply because it is something we Muslims require as part of our faith.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Boycott the Commonwealth Games in India

As Indian forces continue to murder and rape the people of Kashmir with atrocities bordering on genocide why on earth are Muslim athletes and countries or for that matter any athlete competing in Delhi and thus giving a nod to the continued appalling treatment of minorities in India?

The Commonwealth Games Federation motto is Humanity, Equality and Destiny attributes which are not on display in Kashmir.

While the international media concentrates on the classic spoiler created by the Indian Government over the deliberate shambolic preparations thus ignoring the human rights abuses carried out by the Indians in Kashmir, London Muslim urges all to show their solidarity with the people of Kashmir by joining this Facebook Group  which calls for the Boycott of the Games in Kashmir.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

London Muslim under attack

Apologies for the rude interruption in service however, Google was forced to take my blog offline temporarily today due to unusual activity on my account.

I am flattered with the attention although sorry to disappoint those who continue with their attempt to hack my IP account which is one reason I set up multiple bogus and fake email addresses as well as no longer responding to emails which are invariably fishing expeditions to establish who I am.

Normal service is resumed and I should point out LM may be accepting a few invitations later in the year so those curious to find out who I am a little patience please and all will become apparent in due course.

Muslims and Jews unite in Harrow to support Pakistan Flood victims

Dr Eva Schloss an Auschwitz survivor and step sister of Anne Frank announced a special play to be performed at the Lyric and also possibly at Harrow Mosque in aid of the Pakistani flood victims.

Its great to see a Jewish woman who herself has suffered from such a terrible tragedy devoting her time to try and alleviate the suffering of Muslims as a result of the flood in Pakistan.

The Coldest Mosque in the world being built in the Canadian Arctic

As we turn our central heating systems on spare a thought for Muslims in Inuvik a small Town in Canada's Northwest territories who are building or shipping a yellow mosque to serve its Muslim inhabitants.

I once went to Toronto in April and absolutely froze so with most of the Muslims originating from warm climates in Africa and the Middle East the brothers certainly have my admiration for establishing the house of Allah (swt) in what must be the most inhospitable place in the world.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Is George Galloway Set to Stand for Mayor of Tower Hamlets?

Earlier in the year I raised the very same question about the prospect of George Galloway standing as Respect's candidate for Tower Hamlets Mayor.

Following the outrages and scandalous racism on display by the NEC of the Labour Party who removed Luftur Rahman as Labour's candidate yet continue to allow the racist Phil Woolas to remain as a MP there are an increasing number of reports about George deciding to stand as the Respect candidate in Tower Hamlets.

LM advises all Muslims in Tower Hamlets to give Labour yet another good political kicking to continue the Muslim man's burden of teaching racists in the Labour Party that enough is enough.

Racist London Labour Party remove Luftur Rahman as candidate for Tower Hamlets Mayor

The racist London Labour Party has finally realised that democracy in Tower Hamlets is a bad thing and as a result has decided to axe its democratically elected Labour Mayor candidate.

LM has been pointing out for years that London Labour is run by a character called Ken Clarke who is no friend of Muslims and as result I am not surprised in the least that he along with the NEC has taken his orders from the Torygraph and in particular the McCarthyite campaign of Andrew Gilligan along with fellow travellers like the Jewish Chronicle.

London Labour are now busy trying to divide and rule over Tower Hamlets Muslims by imposing a new candidate Abbas who should tell Labour's NEC to shove its selection where the sun don't shine. The difficulty admittedly being if Abbas does decline the appointment Ken Clarke and London Labour's dream comes true of appointing another white male John Biggs to take up the candidature. The rest of East London is run by white male Scottish entryists like Robin Wale and Jim Fitzpatrick so that's the approach in Tower Hamlets.

The reality about politics in East London which Dave Hill adequately and correctly describes by providing a proper historical analysis is Muslims like Catholics and Jews previously did are simply looking after themselves politically because understandably we cannot rely on some racists within London Labour to stand firm and side with us in times of difficulty and challenge.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Celebration time as Ed Hussain is leaving London for the USA

Great news that the sell out stooge and creation of New Labour Ed Hussein is not surprisingly running scared of Muslims by doing a runner and jetting off to America on the first available flight.

Hussain a recovering extremist who used to make the tea for HT before writing a book about their exploits which suddenly catapulted him in to the realms of counter terrorism expert has smelled the coffee realised the game and money is up in London so where better to sell his dark skills than the more gullible America assuming they let him into the country.

With the Government perhaps on my advice beginning to roll back New Labour's counter terrorism narrative Hussein who is a dead ringer for pee we hermen is literally running away with his pants down.

Good riddance and for my American cousins please note this grotesque creature would sell his mother if he had the chance so when you get the misfortue to meet him at least you have been forwarned about this charlatan who took New Labour for a ride and managed to hoodwink the establishment.

Home Secretary Theresa May promises to treat Muslims as "part of our Society"

Theresa May in a speech to Muslims during a belated Eid Dinner has given what must rank as a major olive branch to the Muslim community by saying Muslims here in the UK are "a fundamental part of our society".

LM has to say as a member of the Labour Party I find the first few months of the Con Dem Narrative towards Muslims rather positive compared to New Labour's narrow prism of how Muslims were only viewed in terms of security and terrorism. I have already noted the constructive approach in particular May has taken towards Muslims by abolishing Section 44 of the Terrorism Act and the Prevent Strategy so I welcome the tone adopted which Labour should also acknowledge.

I don't doubt that Politics also lies behind the speech because whatever the likes of Lord Ashcroft say the reality is the Tories failed to win an overall majority because they as usual failed to secure a reasonable proportion of the Muslim vote. The hesitation of Muslims to vote Tory has been historical and the legacy of Enoch Powell however, the Tories have a huge opportunity with a growing Muslim middle class to begin to redress the nervousness amongst Muslims.

The Tories have appointed Sayeeda Warsi to be Chair of the Party and have two Muslim MP's in Saj Javid and Rehman Chisti which is coupled with a growing if slow realisation by we Muslims that Labour is not always the answer and after Iraq should never be trusted again. Once again I welcome the speech and my only criticism of Theresa May so far has been her unwise decision to ban Zakir Naik from the UK.

Alhabib Islamic Web Service Blog

Alhabib Islamic Web Service Blog

Wasolim: Muslim Prayer Times Application for Blackberry


Wasolim is a useful application for Blackberry cellular phones. The name is rather cryptic although it sounds as an arabic word. It actually stands for “Waktu solat & imsakiyah” or in english: “Prayer and imsak times“. The application is designed for Blackberry users and incorporate latest geo-localisation technology using GPS and GoogleMap. This ensures that [...]

Racist attack on Muslim cemetery in Yorkshire

Sadly there appears to have been yet another racist attack on a Muslim cemetery in Yorkshire.

The graves were attacked with a motorcycle and headstones were uprooted.

LM has no pleasure in reporting stories like this but one reason is to provide context and a background narrative to when an incident occurs with white racists in the area being the victim of Muslim aggression there is often more going on than a one off incident.

I do hope the scum are apprehended quickly because the situation cannot be allowed to continue or sadly there will be an inevitable reaction with some Muslims wrongly taking the law into their own hands or forming vigilante groups to protect our own graves.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

No charges in Pope Plot as all 6 Muslims freed

As I suspected yesterday and hinted heavily the timing of the arrest of 6 Muslims from Algeria on an alleged plot to kill the Pope was surely not a coincidence.

All 6 have been released without charge and given the increasing hysteria by the Spooks and the Met Police prior to the Spending Review the entire Pope Plot appears a typical Establishment set up to protect the funding of those men in uniform who continue to scaremonger using Muslims as their bait.

The arrest allowed the Jewish owned Excrement to splash a Front page about a Muslim plot to kill the Pope. Ironically yesterday was Yom Kippur the day of atonement for Jews however, I fear its unlikely that Richard Desmond the Jewish owner of the Excrement will atone by apologising to Muslims and correct the story.

Murdoch's Skum News is also quiet today running with the important headlines about Rikki Hatton having had their Crime Correspondent Martin Brunt on air virtually all yesterday and on Skum's sister station Fox telling the world about what now appears a classic spoiler by the Spooks fanned by the Neo Con corporate broadcast and non broadcast Media.

The Spooks along with their friends in the Met and so called think tanks are doing the dirty work of the establishment and sadly we Muslims are the victims.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Britain adopts Halal Food

London Muslim has always been clear with my demands for Halal food to be introduced in greater quantity however as in the case of Harrow Schools or Airline food I've always maintained there should be a choice on offer.

Today a number of papers are running with the the usual shock outage of Halal Food being introduced in quintessentially non halal English institutions like Public schools and Wembley Stadium

What I find interesting is the deep strain of racism that runs behind these stories where Murdoch's News of the Screws hide behind the issue of choice to continue their anti Muslim hysteria. The historically Nazi supporting and black shirt collaborating Daily Mail is no different but given their history I would expect nothing more from that moronic right wing paper who at least are consistent.

The issue of oppostion to halal has nothing to do with animal welfare it's about Islamophobia particularly when you consider the number of hypocrites who jump on the anti halal bandwagon yet eat meat rather than genuinely showing their animal compassion by adopting a vegetarian diet.

Malaysia's first school for Pregnant Teenagers opens

Sekolah Harapan also known as school of hope a controversial facility for pregnant teenagers has opened in Malaysia despite not signing up a single student.

The purpose of the school in predominately Muslim Malaysia is to curb the growing epidemic of "baby dumping" caused in large part by the stigma of Muslim Malay girls giving birth outside wedlock.

LM supports the school and unlike some Muslim commentators who oppose the facility because in their opinion it supports pre marital sex I disagree and believe what these girls need is the counselling on offer from an all female staff facility as well as understanding.

Indonesian Muslims must support the construction of a Church

First they ban the Burka now Nazi French deport Roma

Friday, September 17, 2010

Strange Catholic man seen lurking near kids

Algerian Muslims arrested for plotting to kill the Pope

Algerian Street cleaners were arrested today on suspicion of trying to kill the Pope.

The Muppet's whose day job includes sweeping the streets of Westminster tells you all to need to know about their intellectual abilities if the arrests are justified. While Israelites increase their stranglehold on Power in the Palace of Westminster Muslims are outside cleaning up the excrement and allegedly trying to murder a man of faith who admittedly also protects child abusers.

The Spooks are already sounding off before the spending review about the Terror threat and while these fruitcakes have not been charged and I have to say the arrests seem oh so conveniently timed lets not give our enemies the opportunity to further pigeon hole us all as a bunch of extremists.

Bury Muslim Councillor suspended

Councillor Tamoor Tariq who is not exactly Brad Pitt has been suspended by the Bury Labour Party after confidential voting documents were found dumped on open land.

The Bury Labour Party certainly seem to specialise in having a right bunch of Muppet's representing them first in the disgraced MP David Chaytor who was caught cheating on his expenses and now this dodgy dumper Tariq.

True to form its nice to know that when in trouble what does a Pakistani Muslim Councillor do, yep you've guessed it blame a member of his family for the situation

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Pope in London

With Nazi Joe in Town I do find the attitude of Catholics here in London absolutely shocking.

I live in West London which has a rapidly declining Catholic population although a significant proportion of catholic schools, sadly there are over 2000 in England alone. When you see pictures of the Pope on telly today have a look at how many kids have been taken out of their Catholic schools to meet Joe. One would think with the scandal of Catholic priests sexually abusing Kids and Nazi Joe playing his part in covering up the situation Catholics would have some self awareness and not use kids to try and swell the numbers of people lining the streets to meet Joe.

Pakistani Politician Imran Farooq Murdered in London

Imran Farooq a senior Pakistani politician was murdered in cold blood outside his North London home in what appears a contract killing.

Farooq who was seeking political asylum was himself also wanted on charges of murder appears to have suffered a brutal stabbing and as yet his killers have escaped without any arrests being made.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Lock your kids up the Pope is in Town

France bans the Burka

Indonesian President condemns attack on Christians

Sadly I fear there are inevitably going to be a number of repercussions and retaliations due to the threat by pastor Jones to burn the Quran which incidentally has been burned by another idiot although Im not going to link or show the video.

In Indonesia the largest Muslim country in the world a Muslim fanatic carried out a shocking violent attack on a Christan elder which involved a brutal and frenzied stabbing. The attack has rightly been condemned by the Indonesian President although ominously this occurred in the Far East where traditionally inter faith relations have been good rather than by the usual suspects in for example Pakistan where some "Muslims" have no problem throwing bombs into Mosques and killing fellow Muslims.

Fortunately the Muppet has been arrested and lets hope he gets a suitable Muslim punishment although the situation between Christians and Muslims remain strained with the tension also caused by a land dispute outside Jakarta which is evidently not helping to calm the atmosphere.

Pub set to become a Mosque in London

The EDL will love this story of a former Pub in Waltham Forest being used as a Mosque during Eid prayers and wait for it the icing on the cake being local Muslims had no planning permission to use the building for religious purposes.

Apparently after the pen pushers at the council kicked off with threats of enforcement the local bearded wonders managed to issue a statement which runs for all of a whole sentence explaining the merits of a multi faith society.

Iranian Sex gang tried to pimp virgins to rich Arabs in London

A gang of Iranian scum face jail after undercover Police foiled their plan to sell young virgins to rich Arabs in a swanky London Hotel.

Fortunately these pimps were nabbed by the help of a Farsi speaking Police Officer however, rather than the pathetic sentence in the UK they should be kicked out of the country as some were seeking asylum and left to face the music in Iran where I'm sure a suitable severe punishment would be merited in this case for people willing to use the virginity of underage girls to satisfy the demand of dirty old Arab men none of whom appear to be have been involved in this case.

Free Free Kashmir

BBC Panorama Bias exposed

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Blair's corrupt $200m Palestinian deal

London Muslim has previously highlighted how our former war leader Tony B£iar is earning his blood money largely as a result of Arab Tyrants.

However, it now transpires that the ironically named "Peace envoy" is currently using his position as the Quartet's representative on Palestine not to push for Peace but promote the interests of his banking clients JP Morgan who pay him $2 m dollars a year. B£iar lobbied for a phone deal involving Watinya a JP Morgan client and they coincidentally have a advertising contract with a firm run by Palestinian President Abbas's son Tarek.

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Muslim mum who lost her son on 9/11

Imam Rauf on Ground Zero Mosque: "I need a space for the voice of the moderates"

Gang of Muslim thugs guilty of attack on Muslim Sisters

A gang of Muslim scum have been sentenced to community orders for an outrageous and unprovoked attack on two Muslim sisters in their car while driving in Finchley North London.

What made my blood boil is one of the scum actually ripped off the Sisters Hijab in a show of enourmous disrespect and evidence of lack of Iman along with showing no remorse for their crime. In my opinion they should have been jailed where I'm sure they would have received an interesting welcome from the massive Muslim jail population when Muslim lags found out what they had done.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Obama: "We are not at War with Islam"

Airline Passengers set for Halal only meals

My regular readers will know about my interest in flagging up Halal travel as the future for discernible Muslim travellers.

While concentrating on the destination and the facilities on offer at the hotel what I failed to mention was the actual journey itself which is why LM is over the moon at the prospect of halal food being introduced on airline flights. 

The largest independent caterer of food to the airline industry is set to open its first halal only kitchen at London's Heathrow airport largely as a result of the rapid increase in demand for Halal food from airlines like Emirates.

LM should point out that while I welcome the introduction of Halal food and look forward to the likes of Nick Griffin and Pastor Jones enjoying a Halal meal on British Airways and Delta flights respectively in all seriousness I also believe in the option for those who do not wish to eat halal due the reasons I outline in my post about the introduction of halal food in Harrow schools.

Bill O' Reilly claims America is under threat from the Muslim World

Friday, September 10, 2010

Israel's sexual abuse of Palestinian Children

Hunger strikes due to Halal food in Harrow schools

London Muslim has written about Harrow before on a number of occasions from the way in which we along with comrades from the UAF defeated the Nazi EDL through to the controversy surrounding the imposition of Halal only food in Harrow's schools.

I along with many Muslims and non Muslims like the local Jewish Rabbis who supported us did not defend Harrow only to see halal food literally rammed down the throats of Non Muslims some of whom like Sikhs are specifically banned by their faith from eating halal food and consequently leading to some Sikhs throwing turbans out of their prams and threatening to go on hunger strike.

While I was critical previously of a local Muslim Muppet who said he could not see what the fuss was about I'm glad to note that Ghlulam Rabbani the Gen Sec of Harrow Mosque has called for the option of Non Halal food which is what Harrow Council and the Muslim Mayor of Harrow Cllr Asad Omar should be providing.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Quran burning has been cancelled (Breaking)

Unconfirmed reports from America indicate that US hate preacher Terry Jones has bowed to the inevitable and cancelled his plans to burn the Quran on 9/11.

Alhabib Islamic Web Service Blog

Alhabib Islamic Web Service Blog

Eid ul Fitr 1431 AH Wishes


To muslims around the world, the visitors of this blog and users of Alhabib islamic web service, we would like to say: EID MUBARAK! Taqabbalallaahu minnaa wan minkum May Allah accept our good deeds during the month of Ramadan. May Allah bestow His Mercy and Guidance upon us in the days to come. Happy Eid [...]

Obama condemns Koran burning stunt

Eid is on Friday

Just wanted to say with Eid on Friday here in the UK an early Eid Mubarak to all Muslims.

Naturally I will be celebrating Friday so to all Muslims around the world do enjoy the day.

The future is Halal

London Muslim has highlighted previously the importance of the Muslim futurist and the growing importance of Halal as it begins to move into the economic mainstream.

This article provides some amazing facts and figures about the Halal market. Globally the market is now estimated at $2 trillion dollars, with halal food at $560 billion and Islamic finance $400 billion dollars while growing at 15% a year,

One in every 3 people in the world is Muslim and the demography not just across the world Muslim but increasingly in Europe where our population is growing by over 100% means this figure is only set to grow.

Do read the above Arab Business article which is absolutely fascinating in terms of providing further facts and figures about the growing global halal market.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Residents oppose Cambridge Mosque expansion

While the debate rages in New York about the Ground Zero Islamic Center we in the UK also have our Islamophobes who will use any tenuous excuse to oppose the establishment of a Mosque or its expansion.

The latest example of intolerance towards Muslims is in Cambridge where about 30 have signed a petition stating they are not opposed to the prayer house but and wait for it "the amount of disturbance it causes".

You do have to wonder about some of the bright sparks who oppose the expansion they are not exactly subtle are they. Perhaps if a Pub was constructed with happy hour turning out all manner of drink sodden Muppet's these Cambridge petitioners would be content.

Angelina Jolie in Muslim dress as she visits Pakistan

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Angelina Jolie visits flood victims in Pakistan

Alhabib Islamic Web Service Blog

Alhabib Islamic Web Service Blog

The Losers of Ramadan


The Losers of Ramadan The Ramadan is ending soon. It will pass with all of its uniqueness and virtues. The month full of blessings and forgiveness from Allah is soon away. Are we getting the most of it? Are we striving hard to get all the virtues in it? Are we giving our bests to live its nights? Or [...]

America is not built on hatred

The US Pastor who plans "Burn the Quran day"

Muslims respond to US Church's "burn the Quran day" protest

GCC urge UK to expel Bahrain's Freedom Fighters

London Muslim has posted about the crooks who run Bahrain and their brutal security clampdown against the Shia majority who they have traditionally treated appallingly according to numerous human Rights reports that have recorded countless abuses.

Notwithstanding the abuse which one would think is bad enough however, that toothless bunch of fairies and casino gamblers of the Gulf Cooperation Council have urged the UK to expel what they term "terrorist groups" who are actually Bahrain's freedom fighters trying to replace the monarchical tyrants being propped up by America's fifth fleet.

LM urges the UK Government to tell the real terrorists in Bahrain the Al Khalifa royal family to go shove their sand where the sun don't shine and to encourage those fighting for freedom wherever they may be in the world.

The GCC Foreign Ministers are more worried about the domino effect of Bahrain toppling and the rest of the royal crooks also joining them in exile hopefully in Europe's casinos.

Free schools in London

My regular readers will know my complete opposition to faith schools which I have explained here and here.

LM believes sending little Jews, Muslims, Christians etc to the same school at a young age will help form lasting friendships rather than the divisive nature of current faith schools which evidently divide kids on the basis of faith storing up enormous social cohesion problems for society.

Sadly the education apartheid is set to worsen with the Con Dem's policy of free schools which is a backdoor attempt to pander to right wing pushy parents and divert resources from existing state schools. I should point out that this is not a party political point as I've also been critical of New Lab when they were in power. The announcement yesterday of the first wave of schools in London with a large uptake of Jewish schools is yet another ominous sign as one can be sure Muslims will follow.

Without wishing to sound naive I do hope occasionally politicians will stand up to the religious lobby who prefer the current jobs for the religious boys approach to the detriment of future harmonious relations between people of all faiths and no faith.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Gulam Noon gives Oona King £2500

Gulam Noon is well known as someone who uses his money to back losers.

London Muslim highlighted previously how he was pulled away from his spicy curry factory which always gives me Delhi Belly to become Assistant Treasurer of the Labour Party before Labour were crushed at the last election.

Now Gulam "pull the drawbridge up" Noon has decided like another wealthy "Muslim" Lord Waheed Ali to give that Iraq War supporting Oona King £2500 to fund her campaign against Ken Livingstone.

I do hope Muslims realise that one of the problems we Muslims face is fellow idiotic Muslims. Why on earth would any Muslim provide funding to someone who supported a war that killed countless thousands of Muslims ahead of Ken Livingstone widely recognised as probably one of the friendliest and supportive politicians towards Muslims in the country.

Congratulations to Lutfur Rahman

Despite all the dirt that racist elements within the London Labour Party could throw at him Lutfur Rahman has finally secured the vote to be Labour's Candidate in Tower Hamlets as Executive Mayor in the October election.

The protracted legal wrangling not helped by Andrew Gilligan and his fellow travellers trying their best to create mischief has finally been resolved with Rahman comfortably defeating the white male establishment figure in John Biggs.

Well done to Brother Lutfur and we as Muslims all know he must be doing something right when the Jewish Chronicle call him an extremist

Saturday, September 4, 2010

The Labour Party Leadership

As a member of the Labour Party my leadership ballot papers arrived in the Post today.

I dislike what the Labour Party has become an authoritarian war mongering watered down version of the Tory Party. The Labour Party have been responsible for some of the most draconian attacks on our country's civil liberties and demonisation of Muslims through MP's like Jack "Take Your burka off" Straw, Phil "inbreeding" Woolas, Dennis McShane and Jim Fitzpatrick to name but a few. The Party has been hijacked by the Labour Friends of Israel and of course has the blood of countless Muslims on its hands through its horrific interventionist foreign policy in Iraq and Afghanistan. Surprisingly it is the Con Dems that have been progressive towards Muslims by dismantling Prevent and Section 44 although the banning of Zakir Naik was a mistake.

You may understandably ask why remain a member of such a party where over the years I can safely say the worst racists I have ever met are members of the Party and Labour Councillors/ MPs. One of the reasons for being a member is unlike the majority of ranting and raging Muslims I will have the opportunity to have my direct say in who I want to lead the party and ultimately be the future Prime Minister of our country. Without wishing to sound precious and however small my say is it is nevertheless an opportunity to directly prevent another war mongering Blairitre in the form of David Miliband being the next party leader despite two Muslim MPs in Anas Sarwar and Yasmin Qureshi nominating him and supporting Diane Abbott.

Skimming through the candidate booklet what struck me is how Israelites continue to attempt to hijack the party via the internal election process for NEC candidates and National Policy Forum candidates. Characters like Luke Akehurst one of the leading Israelites in London elected as a councillor in Hackney by a huge Muslim vote of approaching 15% in his Chatham Ward proudly boasts about his support for Israel on his blog profile and may sadly get elected to the NEC. Moreover the National Policy Forum candidates includes Nikki Gavron and the ubiquitous as well as shadowy Alon or Bach two further Israelites with the latter born in Israel and widely perceived to be an Israeli plant in the Labour Party.

Currently there is no organised Muslim organisation to prevent the Labour Party lurching further towards Israel despite the party having a plethora of organisations like the Jewish Labour Movement.

LM can proudly state that I do not directly have the blood of innocent Muslims on my hand because I tried to prevent Blair being a leader and will now try to stop David Miliband. LM believes in thinking smart, why should a million go on a march to oppose a war when it probably takes 2 politicians to agree a war. Lets set the agenda rather than oppose it, lets be in the position of the two rather than the million marching who failed to stop the war.

Political literacy and political engagement are crucial for Muslims which is why I urge Muslims to join a Political Party and for those in Labour to oppose David Miliband and vote Diane Abbott for the reasons I've already explained. With regard to the London Mayoral election I will be supporting Ken Livingstone and his slate on the NEC ballot including Christine Shawcroft who opposes the Afghan War to keep out the Israelites like Oona King who continue to be given their patronage by the London Labour Party. What London Muslim in their right mind would vote for Oona King as our Mayor following her support and vote for the Iraq War.

Politicians should be treated like nappies and changed for the same reason. Should David Miliband be elected as leader and subsequently PM with a nod to a war in Iran it will be Muslims who did nothing politically to prevent this situation that indirectly have blood on their hands.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Minister Louis Farrakhan responds to anti Semitism charge

Australian Muslim calls for the beheading of Gert Wilders

Feiz Mohammed an Australian Muslim who heads the Sydney based Global Islamic Youth Center has given the  git Gert Wilders further oxygen of publicity by calling for his beheading.

You do have to wonder why some Muslims allow themselves to be provoked and take the bait laid for them by  scum like Wilders. Clearly Wilders has an agenda however, despite his hatred towards Muslims he should be allowed to express them without some Muslim deciding to take the law into his own hands or incite others to do the deed. My main issue with Wilders is why countries like the UK now allow him into the UK but ban all manners of Muslims like Farakhan and Zakir Naik from entering the UK to express a view that the establishment find uncomfortable.

Malaysia to ban "harmful" blogs

Malaysia has set up a task force to check online for any posting which they deem harmful to national unity.

This trend in Muslim countries to seek to ban anything regarding freedom of speech is particularly worrying. I sense the real frustration is an inability to adjust to the reality of New Media and the freedom this avails ordinary citizens to express opinions supportive or critical of the state.

Ultimately the issue is about control and a unhealthy desire for Muslim countries to control everything from blackberries to blogs. How can banning the freedom of opinions do anything for national unity other than create additional interest in the views of someone who a state finds threatening.

LM likes Malaysia and am very fond of Malaysians who I find some of the most impressive and friendly Muslims in the world however, this task force is a retrograde step when an unknown and unaccountable bureaucrat decides on your behalf what you can and cannot read.

The "honour Killing" of Shafilea Ahmed

The parents of Shafilea Ahmed have been arrested in connection with the brutal murder of their daughter.

While being cautious as the parents have not been charged, I am more genuinely perplexed and totally dumbfounded about what form of Islam Muslims follow who engage in "honour Killings". What perverted mind believes there is honor in murder and how can this be justified. While I accept this is largely a practice that emanates in the sub continent particularly Pakistan nevertheless these people who sadly call themselves "Muslims" once again bring dishonour to our faith.

The freedom that we as Muslims enjoy in the West seems to disorientate a significant section of the British Muslim Pakistani community largely first generation who live in their ghettos in Bradistan and marry their first cousins. With freedom comes responsibility however, sadly the inability of some British Muslim Pakistanis who have left their villages for a better and more prosperous life, to adjust to life in the West needs to be acknowledged. The reality is we as a Muslim community are in denial about some practices that have nothing to do with Islam but everything to do with the village in Pakistan you are from and my worry is that like first cousin marriages this is not being addressed by some of our mullahs largely because they are from the same village and share the same ignorant mentality.