Monday, December 6, 2010

Maria Hardman responds to her critics

I recently decided to make my story public by agreeing to an interview with the Boulder Daily Camera, and I must say that I am not ashamed. The facts have been clearly laid out, and I do not dispute them. On December 1st, 2010 I went to the jail on my own accord to pre-book for their work-crew program, as had been stipulated by the court for my DWAI (driving while ability impaired) sentence. While I was there, I was repeatedly asked to remove my hijab, and I refused. I am aware that as an American citizen, I have been blessed with the right to religious freedom, and as far as I am concerned this includes my right to adorn my hijab in any photograph taken for a public record.

I will be the first to admit that I made a mistake on August 1st, 2010. I am trying to remedy this situation by completing all of the necessary requirements, and this situation does not indicate any lack of desire on my part to complete what I have been assigned to do. I would have gladly completed by work crew requirement, had I been allowed to be photographed with my hijab on. As this was not the case, I stand in the awkward predicament now seen. I have every intention of completing the outstanding requirements placed upon me in a timely fashion, my goal is to be neither obstinate nor difficult.

What people seem to forget, is that this story is NOT about how I got to the jail. This is about what happened after I arrived at the jail, and the constitutional infringements that then occurred. For the record, I do not dispute that I operated my 49cc motorized scooter on the day of August 1st. I was at a party, where I was served alcohol without my knowledge. I admit that when I discovered I was being served alcohol, I made no attempt to curb my intake. I am 19 years old and a junior at the University of Colorado. This is far from a unique story in the college experience. For those who are in, or were at one time a college student, you will understand what I am saying.

Again, however, this is NOT an issue of how I got to the jail, the issue at hand revolves around my 1st amendment rights as a United States citizen to freely practice my religion as I see fit. As a Muslim-American woman, I feel let down by my country. I love America. This incident, however, has raised such doubt for me. Not as to the nature of my country, but as to the nature of its citizens. America is a nation forged on the shoulders and blood of peoples from around the world. Morocco, a Muslim nation in North Africa, was the 1st country in the world to recognize the independence of the United States. This is truly a country where every single person should feel welcome, safe, and comfortable. This includes Muslims.

I understand that the topic of Islam is a tricky one to address in today’s political climate, but if America wants to see global unification and peace amongst the nations of the Middle East, we must start at home. We must start in Boulder, Colorado. We must address this issue, and not simply shoot it down as a hypocritical college student seeking to upset the system. Do not ignore the real issue here. Islamophobia is alive and well in America. This cannot be denied. Those who fail to see the issue at hand stand as nothing more than ignorant extremists, and I am not talking about Al-Qaeda.  I am not saying that one must agree with my position, I only implore that you look beyond the surface, and recognize that this is a purely American issue.

I am aware that few people have sympathy for those who find themselves within this system, but this does not mean that America can tread upon their inalienable rights. I am a Muslim as much as I am an America. I was born in Boulder, Colorado. In fact, if one heads due East on Balsam avenue, along which sits the hospital where I was born, one will end up at the Boulder County Jail in a matter of minutes. I am neither a fundamentalist nor an extremist. I am not trying to bring Shariah to Colorado. I am just a college student who still believes in the American Dream. I am just a citizen who is crying foul at the ignorance surrounding Islam, and the injustices of our legal system.

My fellow Americans, I pray that you take pity on Islam and on the Muslims who call this country home as much as you do. All we ask is for an acknowledgement of our tradition and religious freedom.

I am an American, I am a Muslim, and I love this country.

Peace be with you,
-Maria Hardman

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