Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Malaysia rejects demands to ban child marriage

My regular readers will know that I do have a soft spot for Malaysia a country and people which is largely Muslim and highly educated.

Given my view of Malaysia LM is however, very disappointed that the Malaysian Government and specifically its Law Minister Nazri Aziz has rejected calls to ban child marriage despite the recent shocking case of a Malaysian child bride of 14 marrying an older man.

I've already highlighted the fatwa from leading Saudi Scholar Sheikh Abdullah Al Maine who condemned this practice and while some claim Islam allows child marriage after puberty the Quran also talks clearly about a "maturity of mind" which is clearly not the case in some of these "marriages".

Lets be honest this is about some dirty old Muslim men who disgrace themselves and our faith by attempting to simply have sex with underage girls using religion as their justification. Child marriage is on the increase leading to devastating consequences for the girl and as I've already highlighted this practice in this day and age can only be described as child rape while those found guilty should be locked up as sex perverts.

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