Saturday, December 18, 2010


Each year in the 12th month of the Islamic calendar, Muslims in America and around the world begin observing activities associated with the annual Hajj, or pilgrimage to Mecca. Hajj is one of the "five pillars" of the Islamic faith. (The other "pillars" include a declaration of faith, daily prayers, offering regular charity, and fasting during the month of Ramadan.) Hajj activities take place during six days (8th-13th) of the Islamic lunar month of Dhul-Hijjah. Pilgrimage is a once-in-a-lifetime obligation for those Muslims who have the physical and financial ability to undertake the journey. It is also a form of worship that involves the entire being: body, mind and soul.

"Thus We settled Abraham at the site of the House (the Ka’aba) [saying]: ‘Do not associate anything with Me, and purify My house for those who walk around it, and those who stand there (praying), and those who bow down on their knees in worship. Proclaim the pilgrimage among mankind: they will come to you on foot and on every lean (beast of burden); Let them come from every deep ravine, to bear witness to the advantages they have, and to mention God’s name on appointed days..." The Holy Quran, Chapter 22, verses 26-28

More than two million pilgrims gather each year to perform Hajj.

Photo: Bowing in submission to God, thousands of pilgrims pray on a street at 'Arafat.

Photo: In the tawaf, pilgrims circle the Ka'bah seven times, reciting a prayer during each circuit.


This report includes all the countries of the world and shows how many Muslims are in each one.

Country Name Total Population Muslims Percentage Number of Muslims
Afghanistan 22,664,136 100% 22,664,136
Albania 3,249,136 75% 2,436,852
Algeria 29,183,032 99% 28,891,202
Angola 10,342,899 25% 2,585,725
Antigua and Barbuda 65,647 n/a
Argentina 34,672,997 2 693,460
Aruba 67,794 5 3,390
Australia 18,260,863 2.09 382,000
Azerbaijan 7,676,953 93.4 7,170,274
Bahrain 590,042 100 590,042
Benin 5,709,529 15 856,429
Bangladesh 123,062,800 85 104,603,380
Bhutan 1,822,625 5 91,131
Bosnia and Herzegovina 2,656,240 40 1,062,496
Botswana 1,477,630 5 73,882
Brazil 162,661,214 0.6 1,000,000
Brunei 299,939 63 188,962
Bulgaria 8,612,757 14 1,205,786
Burkina Faso 10,623,323 50 5,311,662
Burma 45,975,625 10 4,597,563
Burundi 5,943,057 20 1,188,611
Cambodia 10,861,218 1 108,612
Cameroon 14,261,557 55 7,843,856
Canada 28,820,671 1.48 400,000
Central African Republic 3,274,426 55 1,800,934
Chad 6,976,845 85 5,930,318
China 1,210,004,956 11 133,100,545
Christmas Island 813 10 81
Cocos (Keeling) Island 609 57 347
Comoros 569,237 86 489,544
Congo 2,527,841 15 379,176
Cote d'Ivoire 14,762,445 60 8,857,467
Croatia 5,004,112 1.2 60,049
Cyprus 744,609 33 245,721
Djibouti 427,642 94 401,983
Egypt 63,575,107 94 59,760,601
Equatorial Guinea 431,282 25 107,821
Eritrea 3,427,883 80 2,742,306
Ethiopia 57,171,662 65 37,161,580
Fiji 782,381 11 86,062
France 58,317,450 7 4,082,222
Gabon 1,172,798 1 11,728
Gambia 1,204,984 90 1,084,486
Gaza Strip 923,940 98.7 911,929
Georgia 5,219,810 11 574,179
Germany 83,536,115 3.4 2,840,228
Ghana 17,698,271 30 5,309,481
Gibraltar 28,765 8 2,301
Greece 10,538,594 1.5 158,079
Guinea 7,411,981 95 7,041,382
Guinea-Bissau 1,151,330 70 805,931
Guyana 712,091 15 106,814
Hong Kong 6,305,413 1 63,054
India 952,107,694 14 133,295,077
Indonesia 206,611,600 95 196,281,020
Iran 66,094,264 99 65,433,321
Iraq 21,422,292 97 20,779,623
Israel 5,421,995 14 759,079
Italy 57,460,274 1 574,603
Japan 125,449,703 1 1,254,497
Jordan 4,212,152 95 4,001,544
Kazakstan 16,916,463 51.2 8,661,229
Kenya 28,176,686 29.5 8,312,122
Kuwait 1,950,047 89 1,735,542
Kyrgyzstan 4,529,648 76.1 3,447,062
Lebanon 3,776,317 70 2,643,422
Liberia 2,109,789 30 632,937
Libya 5,445,436 100 5,445,436
Lesotho 1,970,781 10 197,078
Macedonia 2,104,035 30 631,211
Madagascar 13,670,507 20 2,734,101
Malawi 9,452,844 35 3,308,495
Malaysia 19,962,893 52 10,380,704
Maldives 270,758 100 270,758
Mali 9,653,261 90 8,687,935
Malta 375,576 14 52,581
Mauritania 2,336,048 100 2,336,048
Mauritius 1,140,256 19.5 222,350
Mayotte 100,838 99 99,830
Mongolia 2,496,617 4 99,865
Morocco 29,779,156 98.7 29,392,027
Mozambique 17,877,927 29 5,184,599
Namibia 1,677,243 5 83,862
Nepal 22,094,033 4 883,761
Netherlands 15,568,034 3 467,041
Niger 9,113,001 91 8,292,831
Nigeria 103,912,489 75 77,934,367
Norway 4,438,547 1.5 66,578
Oman 2,186,548 100 2,186,548
Pakistan 129,275,660 97 125,397,390
Panama 2,655,094 4 106,204
Philippines 74,480,848 14 10,427,319
Qatar 547,761 100 547,761
Reunion 679,198 20 135,840
Romania 21,657,162 20 4,331,432
Russia 148,178,487 18 26,672,127
Rwanda 6,853,359 1 68,534
Saudi Arabia 19,409,058 100 19,409,058
Senegal 9,092,749 95 8,638,112
Serbia and Montenegro 10,614,558 19 2,016,766
Sierra Leone 4,793,121 65 3,115,529
Singapore 3,396,924 17 577,477
Slovenia 1,951,443 1 19,514
Somalia 9,639,151 100 9,639,151
South Africa 41,743,459 2 834,869
Sri Lanka 18,553,074 9 1,669,777
Sudan 31,547,543 85 26,815,412
Suriname 436,418 25 109,105
Swaziland 998,730 10 99,873
Sweden 9,800,000 3.6 320,000
Syria 15,608,648 90 14,047,783
Tajikistan 5,916,373 85 5,028,917
Tanzania 29,058,470 65 18,888,006
Thailand 58,851,357 14 8,239,190
Togo 4,570,530 55 2,513,792
Trinidad and Tobago 1,272,385 12 152,686
Tunisia 9,019,687 98 8,839,293
Turkey 62,484,478 99.8 62,359,509
Turkmenistan 4,149,283 87 3,609,876
Uganda 20,158,176 36 7,256,943
United Arab Emirates 3,057,337 96 2,935,044
United Kingdom 58,489,975 2.7 1,579,229
United States 266,476,278 3.75 9,992,860
Uzbekistan 23,418,381 88 20,608,175
West Bank 1,427,741 75 1,070,806
Western Sahara 222,631 100 222,631
Yemen 13,483,178 99 13,348,346
Zaire 46,498,539 10 4,649,854
Zambia 9,159,072 15 1,373,861
Zimbabwe 11,271,314 15 1,690,697

Muslims Population

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Alhabib Islamic Web Service Blog

Alhabib Islamic Web Service Blog

Fasting ‘Ashura – 10th Muharram


Fasting in the month of Muharram is highly desired, especially on the tenth day, 'Ashura. The Messenger of Allah (Pbuh) has been reported as saying when asked which prayer is better after obligatory prayer: "Prayer in the middle of the night." He was asked again which fast is better after Ramadan. He said: "In the [...]

You get what you give – The story of Rasheed


This is a true story about a man named Rashed. He tells his story as follows… I was not more than thirty years old when my wife gave birth to my first child. I still remember that night. I had stayed out all night long with my friends, as was my habit. It was a [...]

Labour Stitch up as Debbie Abrahams wins Oldham selection

Arif Ansari is breaking the news that as suspected Deborah Abrahams has won the selection to be Labour's candidate in Oldham.

What an utter farce that Labour can maintain the sham of carrying out a democratic process when in reality the likes of Norma Stephenson and Michael Cashman MEP who ran the shortlisting and interviews managed to keep out the most impressive local Muslim candidate Afzal Khan.

Ed Miliband should be ashamed of himself that this is how Labour continue to behave towards local Muslim pillars of the community. Moreover as I've already highlighted is Norma Stephenson the most hostile and anti Muslim member of Labour's NEC and to think she is President of Unison which must have thousands of Muslim members.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

CNN's Fareed Zakaria answers Glen Beck's claim "10% of Muslims are Terrorists"

Are these the two biggest Muslim idiots in Oldham?

LM has already highlighted how Labour's NEC appear to have gerrymandered the final shortlist for Labour candidate in the Oldham bye election.

Arif Ansari also indicates the enormous surprise at the decision to omit Afzal Khan who LM inadvertently may have given the kiss of death too in my glowing recommendation of his Muslim credentials.

However, given the Labour desperation to shoe in its health geek Abrahams by getting two Muslim candidates to fight against each other one would like to think that Abdul Jabber and Riaz Ahmad might actually engage what passes as the odd brain cell and talk to each other about the wider Muslim interests of unity.

Even with one Muslim candidate standing the vote might not stack up in their favour thanks to the NEC however, currently despite stiff competition and given their refusal to compromise they have to be the two biggest Muslim idiots in Oldham.

Good luck Amir Khan

The Labour shortlist for Oldham

Labour's NEC has true to form appeared to stitch up the final short list of Labour's candidates for Oldham's bye election following the election court decision to strip lying racist Phil Woolas as MP.

According to the BBC the final short list of 3 includes 2 Muslims and one Non Muslim candidate with a ridiculous omission of Afzal Khan. Readers may wonder why I'm critical given two of 3 candidates (Riaz Ahmad and Abdul Jabber) who will now be put forward for final selection by Oldham members are Muslim. Labour's NEC chose 2 Muslims for one reason and one reason only to ensure Muslim members of Oldham CLP divide their loyalty and votes amongst the two while Debbie Abrahams slips through. In other words classic divide and rule.

Irrespective of divide and rule tactics the Muslim response should be to tactically outmanoeuvre Labour's NEC by ensuring the two are sat down and one Muslim advised to stand down ensuring a straight fight between one Muslim candidate and the Labour establishment candidate or the "electable candidate" as Peter Kenyon describes in his interesting article about how Labour serve up their preferred choice. Up and down the country Labour selection of candidates most notably in Bradford where Marsha Singh is now the MP has been largely based on dividing Muslim member votes thus ensuring we end up with very few Muslims standing in winnable seats for Labour.

For those Oldham Muslims observing this internal Labour election process how supine you must feel when you have no say on who your next MP will be because you are not a member of the Party. The real election is not the actual bye election but the selection of labour's candidate but since you have not joined a political party you have no say or choice in this crucial selection. LM has been covering Oldham for months however, I deliberately avoided calling on Oldham Muslims to join Labour in the full knowledge that should there have been a rush of new Muslim members, Labour's establishment would immediately have placed the party in special measures and simply appointed a candidate.

I once again congratulate Labour's establishment for appearing to outmanoeuvre the Muslim interests by choosing two Muslims who look more like waiters from a curry house rather than serious candidates like Afzal Khan. No surprise that Norma Stephenson is at the center of all this anti Muslim intrigue after her role in the Lutfar Rahman stitch up where she supported an investigation and ultimate suspension of Rahman. However, at this late stage my plea to both Muslim candidates and to the wider Oldham Muslim community is to ensure one Muslim candidate is advised to stand down.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

China starts a Major Mosque building programme

LM has occasionally highlighted the Human Rights abuses and atrocities carried out by Communist China towards its Muslim minorities here and here.

However, while white European and American Govt's seem to balk at anything to do with Islam and Muslims particularly new Mosques its slightly ironic that they could take a lead from Communist China who have started a Major mosque building programme to cater for the estimated 60 Million Muslims in China.

2000 Indonesian Maids in Saudi Jails

LM has highlighted the appalling treatment that Indonesian workers receive at the hands of despotic Saudi tyrants.

However, it now transpires that inhumane Saudis have now managed to incarcerate a shocking 2000 Indonesian maids on trumped up charges of "immorality" this coming from a regime who engage in sex, drugs and drinking.

A number of Indonesian Muslim groups have called for ban on maids being sent to Saudi Arabia, however frankly it is time not just for the Indonesian Govt but all Muslims to start treating Saudis the way they treat other Muslims and see how they like it.

Latino Muslims

The FBI concern over Latino Reverts to Islam and it's surveillance of all American Muslims

The Feds are up to their old tricks again with various tactics being used to undermine the credibility of America's Muslim community.

A number of bizarre incidents recently have brought into the play how America always seems to resort to underhand dirty tricks against minority communities like the treatment of the Japanese during WW2.

One particular extraordinary case involved the FBI recruiting an informant to go into a Californian Mosque and spy on Muslims. However, the hapless spy proved so extreme in his views that Muslim worshippers reported him ironically to the very same FBI that sent him into the Mosque in the first place.

Not content with simply engaging in a McCarthyite campaign against Muslims what also is worrying the Feds is the number of Latino who are reverting to Islam. LM has highlighted a number of examples in Ecuador and in Brazil where Islam is rapidly gaining a foothold and it hasn't taken long for the Feds to use an isolated case of alleged extremism to continue the process of making American Muslims and in particular Latino Reverts the enemy of the American state.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Alhabib Islamic Web Service Blog

Alhabib Islamic Web Service Blog

Islamic Calendar Date Opera Extension


Islamic Calendar Extension for Opera Alhamdulillah, all praise be to Allah. I just received an email from a developer who has released an Opera extension that shows the current Islamic Date (Hijri date). The widget or extension is based on the javascript formula to calculate the current islamic hijri date that is available at Alhabib’s main site. It will show [...]

The All Party Parliamentary group on Islamophobia removes Engage from Secretariat

LM has been wondering over the past couple of weeks why all Muslim MPs appeared to boycott the official launch of the All Party anti Islamophobia group with Engage as its secretariat and Kris Hopkins as its chair.

The JC and its inappropriately named Martin Bright is now gleefully reporting along with the parasite Giligan that Engage have been dropped or are about to be removed as the Secretariat ostensibly after pressure by a Jewish member of the Group Lord Janner who was always a bizarre appointment given his Israelite credentials from the days he was an MP in Leicester. Hopkins and Janner have just issued this pathetic statement.

More generally one does admire the fantastic political work of the Jewish community in comparison to total utter incompetence and stupidity of the Muslim community. Here is a political issue Islamophobia which leading Jewish individuals appear to be making the running on and setting the agenda while Muslims appear more concerned with growing beards. We as Muslims are our own worst enemies and have nobody else to blame but ourselves. Can you ever imagine a scenario where for example a Muslim parliamentarian would be responsible for something close to the heart of the Jewish community like the Holocaust Memorial Day?

While issues to do with Islam appear intentionally bogged down over administrative issues Parliament will be holding an important debate on antisemitism. What a fantastic comparison between Jewish political causes being correctly and appropriately advanced while Muslim Political causes get stymied before they even get to the starting block. Where are the literally dozens of MP's who have been elected by Muslim votes in the Labour Party and why are they awol on such an important issue for Muslims?

My personal preference would have been for a joint Muslim and Jewish all party group campaigning against all forms of racism that affect both communities but If I'm honest and was Jewish I could not help thinking why would I want to join in with a Muslim political rabble.

Frankly given our political ignorance LM looks forward to the day when some Jewish groups fed up with Muslims praying 5 times a day call for Mosques to be run by Jews which may finally awaken the Muslim ummah.

The Muslim dentist who refuses to treat women without a Hijab

LM is getting increasingly cheesed off with Men thinking they have a divine right to tell Muslims sisters how they should dress.

The latest example is that of Omer Butt who has been warned by the General Dentist Council about his refusal to treat Muslim women that don't wear the Hijab before he managed to lose their personal details. While I respect any brother that practices our faith I fear some brothers are falling into a slippery slope and ironically following the same logic of right wing reptilian lizards who want our sisters to take off the Niqab.

This is men dictating to women about what to wear or not wear as the case may be and my advice to men Muslim and Non Muslim is get the hell out of a Muslim sisters wardrobe. Although the wearing of a beard is Sunnah how would brothers like it if Sisters stop serving or treating Muslim brothers who had no beard?

Malaysia rejects demands to ban child marriage

My regular readers will know that I do have a soft spot for Malaysia a country and people which is largely Muslim and highly educated.

Given my view of Malaysia LM is however, very disappointed that the Malaysian Government and specifically its Law Minister Nazri Aziz has rejected calls to ban child marriage despite the recent shocking case of a Malaysian child bride of 14 marrying an older man.

I've already highlighted the fatwa from leading Saudi Scholar Sheikh Abdullah Al Maine who condemned this practice and while some claim Islam allows child marriage after puberty the Quran also talks clearly about a "maturity of mind" which is clearly not the case in some of these "marriages".

Lets be honest this is about some dirty old Muslim men who disgrace themselves and our faith by attempting to simply have sex with underage girls using religion as their justification. Child marriage is on the increase leading to devastating consequences for the girl and as I've already highlighted this practice in this day and age can only be described as child rape while those found guilty should be locked up as sex perverts.

The bungling Muslim petrol bomber who ran into a lamp post during his great escape

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Canada's Muslims wake up and stop the shame of your country's Israel connection

Yes we Afzal Khan

Labour have announced that they will choose their candidate for Oldham and Saddleworth this Sunday after the NEC shortlists on Friday with Cllr Afzal Khan a confirmed candidate along with the usual non descript opportunists who have nothing to do with the area although are always the first to seek Muslim votes.

Cllr Afzal Khan seems to be more famous for having a lovely daughter Mariam Khan who stood in Bury North however, he is exactly the type of candidate Labour need to regain the trust of Muslims after Blair and in particular the lying racist Phil Woolas.

Khan is a remarkable and inspiring story of a Pakistani immigrant arriving in this country and in true northern grit rolling his sleeves up and getting down to work by making something of his life through establishing a law practice. As a councilor and first Muslim Lord Mayor of Manchester he has served all the people of Manchester with enormous distinction. More importantly he is no sell out or Uncle Tom that Labour seem so keen to promote but a British Muslim who has championed the cause of Kashmir and Palestine.

While the Labour establishment will do everything to impose Lucy Powell who is constantly seen having meetings with Harriet Harman at Westminster that is the very reason Oldham members should not appoint her because she is the establishment candidate. LM urges the Oldham Labour Party if given the opportunity by the NEC to select a candidate who will set aside past differences most notably during the Oldham riots and adopt a candidate who has a track record of bringing communities together so desperately needed after the lying and cheating racist Woolas.

Oldham is already making significant progress in bringing together segregated communities as the Cantle Report recommended but adopting Cllr Afzal Khan as Labour's candidate and hopefully MP will confirm the progress all good people of Oldham have made in moving forward together as one community.

Chelsea's Muslim star Nicholas Anelka attacks French racism

LM has written about Chelsea's Muslim star Nicholas Anelka highlighting his views on Islam and why he reverted.

The bad boy of French football has got into hot water again with a stinging attack on the French who he accuses of raising the issue of religion and Islam when France lose but staying silent about issues of faith when France won the World cup largely as a result of great French Muslim players like Zidane.

Anelka raises an important point about why he refused to sing the French national anthem because of the way he and fellow Muslims were treated. Given how Muslims and black footballers are treated in England one does wonder why we sing "God Save the Queen", after all what's so special about Liz and her dysfunctional family whose only claim to fame seems to be indulging in Gin before 5pm and slagging off foreginers which is ironic given their German heritage.

"Tommy" of the EDL gets owned by a Muslim in a debate about Islam and Sharia

Video of American Muslim and Boulder Hijabi Maria Hardman who responds to her critics

Monday, December 6, 2010

Maria Hardman responds to her critics

I recently decided to make my story public by agreeing to an interview with the Boulder Daily Camera, and I must say that I am not ashamed. The facts have been clearly laid out, and I do not dispute them. On December 1st, 2010 I went to the jail on my own accord to pre-book for their work-crew program, as had been stipulated by the court for my DWAI (driving while ability impaired) sentence. While I was there, I was repeatedly asked to remove my hijab, and I refused. I am aware that as an American citizen, I have been blessed with the right to religious freedom, and as far as I am concerned this includes my right to adorn my hijab in any photograph taken for a public record.

I will be the first to admit that I made a mistake on August 1st, 2010. I am trying to remedy this situation by completing all of the necessary requirements, and this situation does not indicate any lack of desire on my part to complete what I have been assigned to do. I would have gladly completed by work crew requirement, had I been allowed to be photographed with my hijab on. As this was not the case, I stand in the awkward predicament now seen. I have every intention of completing the outstanding requirements placed upon me in a timely fashion, my goal is to be neither obstinate nor difficult.

What people seem to forget, is that this story is NOT about how I got to the jail. This is about what happened after I arrived at the jail, and the constitutional infringements that then occurred. For the record, I do not dispute that I operated my 49cc motorized scooter on the day of August 1st. I was at a party, where I was served alcohol without my knowledge. I admit that when I discovered I was being served alcohol, I made no attempt to curb my intake. I am 19 years old and a junior at the University of Colorado. This is far from a unique story in the college experience. For those who are in, or were at one time a college student, you will understand what I am saying.

Again, however, this is NOT an issue of how I got to the jail, the issue at hand revolves around my 1st amendment rights as a United States citizen to freely practice my religion as I see fit. As a Muslim-American woman, I feel let down by my country. I love America. This incident, however, has raised such doubt for me. Not as to the nature of my country, but as to the nature of its citizens. America is a nation forged on the shoulders and blood of peoples from around the world. Morocco, a Muslim nation in North Africa, was the 1st country in the world to recognize the independence of the United States. This is truly a country where every single person should feel welcome, safe, and comfortable. This includes Muslims.

I understand that the topic of Islam is a tricky one to address in today’s political climate, but if America wants to see global unification and peace amongst the nations of the Middle East, we must start at home. We must start in Boulder, Colorado. We must address this issue, and not simply shoot it down as a hypocritical college student seeking to upset the system. Do not ignore the real issue here. Islamophobia is alive and well in America. This cannot be denied. Those who fail to see the issue at hand stand as nothing more than ignorant extremists, and I am not talking about Al-Qaeda.  I am not saying that one must agree with my position, I only implore that you look beyond the surface, and recognize that this is a purely American issue.

I am aware that few people have sympathy for those who find themselves within this system, but this does not mean that America can tread upon their inalienable rights. I am a Muslim as much as I am an America. I was born in Boulder, Colorado. In fact, if one heads due East on Balsam avenue, along which sits the hospital where I was born, one will end up at the Boulder County Jail in a matter of minutes. I am neither a fundamentalist nor an extremist. I am not trying to bring Shariah to Colorado. I am just a college student who still believes in the American Dream. I am just a citizen who is crying foul at the ignorance surrounding Islam, and the injustices of our legal system.

My fellow Americans, I pray that you take pity on Islam and on the Muslims who call this country home as much as you do. All we ask is for an acknowledgement of our tradition and religious freedom.

I am an American, I am a Muslim, and I love this country.

Peace be with you,
-Maria Hardman

English hypocrisy

Your car is Japanese. Your pizza is Italian. Your potato is Irish. Your wine is Chilean. Your democracy is Greek. Your coffee is Brazilian. Your tea is Tamil. Your watch is Swiss. Your fashion is French. Your shirt is Indian. Your shoes are Thai. Your electronics are Chinese. Your vodka is Russian. Yet you complain that your neighbour is an immigrant?! Pull yourself together! 

Tackling Islamophobia

Bob Lambert writes an outstanding article in the Staggers about the rising hate and Islamophobia in the UK.

A number of issues highlighted by Bob Lambert and his team of researchers at the Uni of Exeter will be raised at a conference on racism and Islamophobia in London on 11 December which has a number of a shadow Ministers and Ken Livingstone speaking and is well worth attending.

Helen Thomas: "Congress, White House, Wall Street and Hollywood owned by Zionists"

Thief Reverts to Islam due to kindness of American Muslim store owner

Are Muslims in Thailand being tortured?

Thailand is a country mostly associated with sad old white Englishmen going on a sex holiday or to find a non white wife.

However, its also a country which for a number of years now particularly in the southern provinces of Pattani and Yala that has been engulfed in a Muslim separatist campaign to emancipate Muslims from Buddhist rule. However, sadly as recent cases demonstrate Muslim insurgents are allegedly increasingly targeting Muslims who they have been killing ostensibly on the grounds that any Muslim working for the Thai Government is a collaborator.

The situation has not been helped with the Thai military being exposed by Human Rights Watch for brutal human rights abuses towards Muslims with evidence suggesting wide scale torture of Muslim prisoners.

Sadly the plight of Muslims in Southern Thailand appears to be deteriorating and while the lack of publicity or concern by western governments is no particular surprise what is immensely disappointing is the complete lack of coverage by fellow Muslims towards the hardship our Thai Muslim Brothers and Sisters are facing.

Muslim workers from Indonesia forced to eat pork in Taiwan

LM has highlighted the appalling way in which Indonesian workers have been treated by fellow Muslims in Saudi Arabia however, Christian employers in Taiwan seem to behaving in a similarly disgusting manner.

According to reports Indonesian Muslim maids and workers have been forced to eat pork by their Taiwanese employers with in extreme cases some being forced to convert to Christianity.

I wonder if this had been a case of Muslims forcing Christians to behave in a non Christian manner the story would presumably have been splashed across the western tabloids.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

The case of American Muslim Maria Hardman, Hijab, Alcohol and a crashed scooter

Help me out here guys because if I'm honest I'm struggling with the case of Maria Hardman an American Muslim revert who explains in her own words why she understandably refuses to take her Hijab off for a picture in Jail.

Naturally, my curiosity got the better of me and I wanted to establish why Maria was required to take a jail picture. Apparently, it transpires that although only aged 19 she went to a party, had punch which contained alcohol and for good measure managed to crash her scooter on the way home when it was established the she was driving while under the influence.

I think a Muslim sisters civil right to retain her dignity and faith by maintaining she wears the Hijab is of paramount importance however, should we also take some responsibility by ensuring we don't allow ourselves to end up in compromising situations notwithstanding the young age of Maria?

** update**

Interesting view on Sister Maria at Lagniappe's Lair

American Muslim revert Maria Hardman refuses to remove Hijab for Jail Picture

Friday, December 3, 2010

Oldham Muslims Phil Woolas has lost his appeal against breaking election Law

Oldham Muslims wake up and the smell the coffee its celebration time because Phil Woolas has lost his appeal against a court decision that he was guilty of breaking election law.

There will now be a by election in Oldham and Muslims must initially first make sure that the Labour Party choose the right candidate this time. LM urges all Oldham Muslims within the Labour Party to get behind Afzal Khan and make sure Oldham has a local Muslim candidate and eventually a Muslim MP representing them

Why England really lost the bid to host the 2018 World Cup

The English are squealing over losing the opportunity to host the World Cup in 2018, with the usual "we was robbed" narrative which is so typical of the vanity, arrogance and sense of entitlement that seems to bedevil the English.

The usual platitudes about corruption, dodgy foreigners, poor governance in the English game will be mentioned however, as I hinted prior to the vote there is something altogether more significant that the English need to get their head round and that's simply nobody likes the English. 2 votes out of 22 and one was the English delegate in the first round is on a similar farcical scale to our Eurovision votes.

The utter nonsense that English xenophobic nationalists like to peddle that we are the greatest football nation in the world and the home of football is complete bolloxxx. England are crap at football with overweight flatfooted Muppet's who seem to treat a ball like a grenade such is their fear of actually engaging in a decent pass and think dribbling is what babies do rather than what a footballer should. Most English players run like donkeys in comparison to the beautiful artistry of our European neighbours in Holland, Italy, Spain, France and Germany etc. The game in England is kept alive by Sky TV money but is bereft of virtually any English talent.

While the English are so keen to invade and lecture the world what they need is a few home truths. The English increasingly remind me of an ageing punch drunk boxing champion who has had one fight to many. Rather than living off their glorious past and thinking the world is fascinated with our Beef Eaters or "mother of parliaments" deal with it we are increasingly seen as an insignificant island race with declining political, economic and cultural relevance.

As the EDL march on our Mosques and the BNP campaign to outlaw halal food in schools what the English need to realise is they are fast running out of friends particularly in the Islamic world who watch the decline of decency and rise of racism with alarm and sadness on a par with seeing an old friend going off the rails. Carry on reading  your Jewish extremist owned tabloids that feed you a diet of sex, reality shows, and Islamophobia and frankly what can one expect of English attitudes and behaviour.

Listening to so called sports journalists spouting off about the unfair voting process which never seemed to worry them when we won London 2012 was particularly nauseating although not surprising for a nation who have lost the ability to be magnanimous in defeat. How typical that rather than congratulate Qatar all the Torygraph can do is talk about weather and alcohol which appropriately seems to sum up this country's priorities.

Rather than being hospitable to people of all faiths and cultures the English now increasingly show hostility while still clinging on to the coattails of America whose own preoccupation with a declining economy and Empire will lead to a more insular USA.

I don't expect the English to change overnight as psychologically is must be traumatic to see your once great nation ridiculed around the world while you continue to sing "Rule Britannia". Lets be honest any country that calls itself "Great" when all the evidence suggests the opposite must be a little sad.