Thursday, July 29, 2010

UK Muslim Brides Virginity Tests

LM wrote about Canadian Muslim girls getting the snip to ensure they con their future husbands and in laws to be that they are virgins and bleed on the night of their wedding.

Well it didn’t take long for the Daily Mail to unearth the practice here in good ole blightlty. As was mentioned by one of the comments in my previous post about Canadian Muslim girls, Harley St seems to be engaged (oops sorry no pun intended) in a roaring trade with Muslim girls on a full service history so to speak attempting to fiddle their log books.

LM would not want to be the Dr in Harley St when some bearded mullah finds out his prim and pristine virgin turns out to be a mega slapper and a legend with the Rugby team down at the local Uni Student Union bar.

Before all the Brothers get hot and bothered and march on Harley St I wonder who these Muslims Sisters are having sex with? Surely it can’t be the very brothers who demand chastity certificates from prospective wifes?

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