Tuesday, July 27, 2010

EDL set to march in Bradford

The EDL Nazis intend to march in Bradford over the August Bank Holiday during Ramadan and the reaction from the Bradford Mosques is to put out a statement saying the EDL are not wanted.

Let me be clear to my Bradford brothers and sisters stop behaving like complete twats. The Nazi scum many of whom can't read are not interested in poxy statements they only understand one language which is violence and it is the EDL who are the real extremists. Bradford Muslims need to take a leaf out of the warriors from Muslim Defence League's approach in Harrow and East London where we defended the community which resulted in the Nazi scum describing any return to London as a "suicide" attempt.

Bradford Muslim Youth get organised, put the word out across the North West to all Anti Nazis, defend your community, ignore the old guard within the community whose main interest is the collection after Jummah prayers and crucially remember like we did in Harrow that the battle of Badr occurred during Ramadan.

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